Monday, February 14, 2011

What Type Of Flour In Christmas Cake

Postcard: Antiquity News

Source: Cultural Forum, Sun, February 13, 2011, 16h 02min 13s
By Ray Killick, February 13, 2011

having neither the courage nor the intellectual genius, Military and Strategic his adoptive father Julius Caesar, Gaius Octavianus, thirsty power would crush his political opponents, his enemies, his friends and some family members to achieve their purposes. He performs with Marcus Antonius the Roman proscriptions aimed at dispossessing some Roman patricians targeted, among them "césaricides" unrepentant supporters of the Roman republic and eliminate them physically. If he is not bravery, it will inculcate. If no military experience to manage bellum (war driving), he will teach and surround himself with loyal friends such as the indispensable Agrippa, with whom he later defeated Marcus Antonius Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium. After it becomes Originator or first citizen of the Roman Empire Imperator Caesar Augustus Pontifex Maximus. However, we must give to Caesar what is Caesar's. It indeed has the patience and the organizational genius of the Empire who lacked his father Julius Caesar. In addition, he fought corruption systematically in Rome and the Roman provinces and leads a humble life and sober. He died Imperator Caesar Divi Filius Augustus, 19 August 14 AD. JC. His regime lasted for about 15 centuries, and Caesar Augustus after he became an alcoholic; Kaiser in Germany, the Czar in Russia, etc.. The story holds that the father of Western civilization is one of the few leaders taught humanity to greatness, integrity, universal values and use the power wisely and prudently and sparingly over time. It has grown in power or in spite of power. This means that it has proved the exception that the power need not corrupt the long term.

He will say before he died: "I found Rome brick, I left you in marble." However, his best epitaph and monument remain the organization of the empire (for us the state) that will refine later Western civilization which has built the foundations. And his last words were reportedly: "If I played well my role, applaud me now before I left the scene. "For Imperator, life is staged. We fight for the role we want to play. If we manage to get it must play to give full meaning to existence. It is difficult, if one wants to be reasonable, to find her equals as its impact on civilization, for better or for worse, was decisive.

is not here to glorify anyone, but rather to draw the lesson that the exercise of power that has produced many aberrations throughout the ages must be reconsidered by the leaders present and future in the light of an exceptional score played there 2000 years ago in Rome. It was then built an empire on rock, but in most of our countries today the task is rather to re-direct the state and the nation-state safely. How is it that the heads of State and Government of the Third World countries use the same leadership models that have consistently failed to be chosen to grow in power, to become better as Caesar Augustus, to pose as him posterity? How is it that our Heads of State to adopt models of rats, grasshoppers, guinea hens, roosters, vultures and tigers instead of the eagle of the legions whose strategic vision and power can accomplish great things with people?

Life of Imperator is a lesson in leadership and mission for political leaders who want to learn and teach greatness. The American historian Joseph J. Ellis refers to the conduct of Augustus to power in Founding Fathers: "... There are only two examples in the history of Western civilization where the political elite of an empire emerging behaved as well as the one could reasonably expect: the first was Rome under Caesar Augustus, and the second, the United States under the auspices of founding fathers. "They have deliberately asked for posterity despite being aware of the impact of their greatest failures in its decision (slavery, the Indian question and the rights of women). They even attempted to perfect the act, and in some cases have tried to delete the mistakes of the past. Posterity was their passion, obsession. And if Thomas Jefferson Tacitus crown "the greatest writer in the world without exception. His work, a bunch of history and unique character ...", is this not an indication that the founding fathers were also watered the antiquity of the great masters of Tacitus, Cicero, Plato, Augustus, etc.. ?


The largest denomination of a leader is first intimate. It is to identify and accept its limitations in order to compensate. It is precisely this humbling most important leaders like Jean-Bertrand Aristide have avoided win from the start that they have made enormous political capital wasted. If-born leaders, they are not numerous. Everyone has the ability to develop leadership qualities. That is why it is imperative to take stock of its strengths and its limitations in arriving the helm of affairs. Inventory otherwise you can not actually direct, because lead is precisely to know to bring sophisticated navigation instruments to conduct the nation-state safely.

Today, Ms. Hyppolite Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly, candidates in the second round of presidential elections next March, should begin this exercise, because nothing in their past evidence that they possess all the qualities required this moment of national history for the positive shift exceptional as desired by true patriots. It takes more than talent as a musician and teacher to guide the nation, rebuild the state, changing the behavior the nation state and start the development of Haiti to finally contemplate the "tomorrows". Each candidate has

severe impairments because they are never gone into the mold that shapes modern leaders. Given the exceptional circumstances of national degradation, Haiti also requires exceptional leadership and much more insightful and strategic person who leads the first countries in the world.


Manigat has the advantage of a great culture, a relative maturity to discuss major issues so vital to national life, for leading what may consider, in a spirit of justice, as the best political party in Haiti. In addition, age of youth is not too ripe age of lawsuits and political practices shameless and destructive. This is the age where you can pose for posterity. This is the age where we can enforce in the conduct of affairs. However, she never held a post in the public or private sector that would allow it to exercise leadership responsibilities increasingly complex and require are also test the skill and political will. Here it must consider the aspect to improve its leadership. To do this, you must surround himself with a Maecenas and a touch and close fastening, that is to say consulting a rare strategic intelligence and emotional, and at the same time, ie away from his entourage grasshoppers that are only for their personal interests and know how to mask their true intentions with resumes snoring. When

to Martelly, it has the advantage of being aware of his ignorance in politics and is apparently direct.

- "Gentlemen, m'bouké." he says during a presidential debate
- "Or Bouké alos ke poco or komanse mim ..." responds quickly
opponent - "No Monch, is avek new mim, mim ke m'bouké year wi ... "

Martelly no training that will enable it to address key issues with relative independence of mind which feeds the big decisions of great leadership. Leadership that listens to opposing viewpoints to finally decide the strategic set. Far from considering a weakness, Martelly should work to get to work to compensate. If he knows how to make his confession intimate, this is the first step towards a "noble" personal transition. And if he really wants to pose for posterity as the first president of the new Haiti and do not contemplate exile at the end of his term, he should arm himself with a political will to clean up its environment, rebuild the state and learn to practice the discipline of execution. His personal training exercise will be much more grueling than Manigat, but he néamoins the advantage of being much younger than her rival.

posing for posterity

The lesson of life exceptional antiquity is still valid. Caesar Augustus was the most spectacular example of evolution but still dramatic and positive leadership to power. The greatest quality of the Imperator was perhaps his ability to change for the better. That's what which enabled him to evolve from an obscure figure and criminal figure "August" in his time and since, in the memory of mankind. Do not knock on the door of Francois Duvalier, or Rene Preval and Jean-Bertarnd Aristide, as they are now in the museum of history of reptiles which combines Stalin, Hitler, Hosni Mubarak, etc..

However, it is important to remember that the Imperator Caesar Augustus had 44 years to perfect his act in power and lay the foundations of Western civilization. The next president of Haiti will have only 5 years to begin to rebuild the state and instill new values, beliefs and behavior public administration and the nation-state. His task is Herculean. The only reward is the verdict of history for a place in posterity. And consolation at the end of his mandate: "If I played my part, applaud me now before I left the scene."


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