Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pokemon Desemu Rom Change

Time Decision: Justice or Injustice

Sources: VINOUSH, Cultural Forum, January 27, 2011 By Ray
Killick, January 26, 2011

Haiti must establish a State of law. Such a project requires a radical change of mentality that only leadership with the will and the very dexterity political will can achieve. When Mr. Duvalier was ousted in 1986, he left a political vacuum that could hardly have filled the military regimes. Everything is connected. And that's why he came to power crossroads of February 7, 1991 with the same political mentality Duvalier but with a purpose of systematic destruction and general upheaval that he will continue his return in 1994. Anarchist, impatient and vengeful, Aristide could not conceive of the rule of law, much less implement it. In fact, he chose someone he knowingly lower court to him and manipulated by him into president of a liner. Preval could not conceive of the rule of law. There was never believed. To the point, I'll go from there is a rule of law (or mental exercise Thought experiment).

justice works in the rule of law, is not it? Which can then prevent anyone translate another court that would have harmed? In other words, the rule of law, the state "sine ira et studio" by Max Weber. Without hatred, without passion and without bias, it provides services to the public. (Note that I say and not public because the people I talk about the rule of law.) In that same State, it was often a presidential pardon. However, the exercise of such discretion in order to promote national reconciliation, for example, can not remove the right to any citizen to seek a form of redress. To illustrate, a future president of a state law can absolve Baby Doc, but Mrs. X or Mr. Y may still pursue this one justice. We can not deter those who seek redress. Doing so is unfair. If a case has no merit, it is for justice, not the philosophers to decide.

In sum, we must distinguish the prosecution of civil action in criminal law. All discussions in cyberspace for further former torturers to justice of the Haitian people seem to confuse the two. The first is an action on behalf of the company while the second is relief sought by the victim of a crime or her name. For example, Michèle Montas Dominique has the right as a citizen of Haiti to begin legal proceedings against JCD while gouverenement Haiti continues his comedy supposedly on behalf of the public.

A path that requires the existence of a higher authority over the justice of the rule of law to decide the validity of a legal case is arbitrary. Any decision that does not emanate from the judiciary (the role of interpreting law) on a legal case is also arbitrary. Decide now that it is not worth the trouble to pursue Jean-Claude Duvalier to trial would be arbitrary and inconsistent with the rule of law. Say it is a waste of time, it underestimated the need for Haiti to finally establish a competent judiciary. Odette Roy Fombrun as saying that if we would judge JCD, we must try all the other torturers and criminals is not a principle of justice. This principle should rather be the domain of morality. It's like saying: if you want to judge Michael Jackson for a case of pedophilia, he felt was necessary that all pedophiles Vou. Highest authority that justice, as was precisely the attitude of Aristide who thought the power of justice on behalf of the Haitian people instead of bringing justice to reform itself to become a vehicle that can deliver the trust company ("The state is me." dixit Aristide after Louis XIV). National reconciliation requires the application of justice.

What tears the social fabric of Haiti is precisely the absence of justice, impunity. So when does it end if we do not begin enforcing the law? If it discourages those who seek justice have been victims of Duvalier regimes, military Aristide and Preval, then with what regime will do we start? Our future torturers do not they say: we made a lot less crime policies that Duvalier and Aristide ...? After all, if we want to prevent a citizen JCD continue to justice, should we not intervene with legislation to do this? Is it then an illustration of the rule of law, right?

justice pe Lebrin is injustice. The dechoukaj macoutes in 1986 was injustice. For in all these cases, there was not filed lawsuits that would have to apply the appropriate sentence for the crimes committed, and this case by case basis. Whenever one uses as a society in such practices, it divides society. Every time we turn the masses as an instrument of violence, we move away from the rule of law.

If "a museum of torture" is a good memory exercise, as suggested by a visitor, it may not serve as an instrument of criminal deterrence. Transforming Fort Dimanche a museum does not resolve the lack of justice which Haiti is a country of out-of-law, m'fè sa'm VLE, sa'm pi pito. It shows us the Nazi atrocities all the time on TV, but this does not always register that heinous crimes, regimes "bloody", etc..

I can assure you that it is rather a functioning justice ultimately will facilitate national reconciliation because it will discourage abuse and arbitrary and unjust acts. The real cure is difficult, it is the rule of law. The set up is a huge effort which requires the dismantling of the state of lawlessness, the state privileges shameless, fiefs and nobles. Any argument that seeks justice outside the judicial system is flawed at the outset, his realization that abortion can not. We must learn as a society to provide justice "sine ira et studio." No civil action against Aristide or JCD can not be deleted. In fact, the civil action is a test for judicial reform in Haiti. Public action will be a test for credible justice when it is conducted by a government that really wanted to establish the EAT of law in Haiti. So the question of the hour is to Manigat Martelly and how are you going to establish this rule of law?

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By Gerard Bissainthe, January 27, 2011

I loved the text below Below "J'accuse" by Odette Roy Fombrun. Especially admire the fact that she wrote: "It no longer interests me to judge Jean-Claude Duvalier." I remember in this connection that our politicians jérémienne whose family had been cruelly hit by the repression of the dictatorship, had entrusted his mother's deathbed request to pardon him. He too was not interested in claiming judgments, especially when the horde of rampaging lynch mob could recognize, sometimes to the forefront, a large number of former riders of the dictatorship. I did not mention the name of this politician, I leave it to him to do as it sees fit. The brave are not vengeful: they want justice, not revenge. They neither exalted nor practiced the "Father Lebrun. Only cowards and mercenaries have. Some have already asked forgiveness for their deviations. Others not. Shame on them!
Odette Roy Fombrun
was, and I quote "returned home in 1986, my lungs full of hope, with a big dream." It was the time of the fervor of the exiles-I were back in my banishment, who returned to their homeland imagining that a page had to close and a new page was written. There was never nothing. I called this period "the Great Illusion." We never saw that blue. It took me a long time to understand what had happened. That is why I would, but I can not follow Odette Fombrun in the choices she made in this sentence: "Instead of Jean Claude Duvalier'accabler, which does not detract from the horror of the crimes committed under his government, I choose to acknowledge the post-Duvalier. " My reason is simple: there has never been a post-Duvalier. And that's the bottom of the "Grand Illusion". Before and after Duvalier's the same meal. Before, hours of paroxysmal excitement, we talked a Himalaya of corpses. " After, hours of paroxysmal excitement, we want to "smell the burning flesh throughout the territory of the Republic". "Ejusdem farinae", in the same meal.

We're not out of hostel.
we ever get out?

Not if we keep the "baby talk" that revolve around the validity or invalidity of the election that a tribe of monkeys would not.

Yes as adults if we demand an overhaul of the Constitution BEFORE GOING TO NEW ELECTIONS WHICH WILL THIS TIME, INCLUDE THE DIASPORA. For is the only way of salvation.

Since babies want to continue to play, we must, more and more war weary, leave the care of their babysitter who apparently loved the name MINUSTAH. At least a degree in "Early Childhood Education," no one should or should no longer force his talent to try to bring order in the kindergarten disoriented leaders who continue to dream of mort. The future of Haiti can be prepared between adults on parallel tracks, especially those of education, provided we, Haitians, we have or rather we to take the initiative of operations.

If "Konbitisme" which is a track that could have saved is not (yet?) Past, he has helped lay the groundwork for useful revival. The Sowers are not always the Reapers.

The watchword today is: OUT OF THE GREAT ILLUSION.

I wrote in 1990 in my booklet "The Challenge of Enlightened" Every nation must have his personal affairs, which the others are not involved. Haiti is the only nation who pees in front of everyone. U.S. dad and mom are always there for France to change our diapers. "

must end, is back on track.

We can, yes, certainly, with a "national Kombit. And this "national Kombit" is, among others, a brother abroad resistant too, that during and after the Second World War had in mind and understand that in these difficult times, we must rebuild our ruins We had better listen. I always liked these lines of Aragon

"When the corn is in the hail, which made the Mad
Fool who thinks his quarrels
At the heart of the common struggle."

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J'ACCUSE Presidential

various sources: the document circulating on the web for two days (eg, Charles Dupuy, historian)
By Odette Roy Fombrun

Having spent 27 years in exile and aware of the crimes committed by Duvalier, I should raise my voice to demand the trial of former President for Life Jean-Claude Duvalier.

During this long exile, along with my husband Marcel Fombrun, and within a diaspora determined to fight dictatorship, I actively fought against the governments of the father and son. Members of my family have paid with their lives this struggle: My brother, nephews, cousins, more simply "disappeared" ... I can not be Duvalier. BUT! Rather than'accabler Jean-Claude Duvalier, which does not diminish the horror of the crimes committed under his government - I choose to acknowledge the post-Duvalier.

Back home in 1986, my lungs full of hope, with a big dream: In 2004, Haiti will be the cultural and historic center in the Caribbean. IT WAS POSSIBLE. Indeed, the departure of Duvalier, we had hands in it all. The country was in a strong position to grow: the world offered their services. UNESCO in mind, with plans to flogging the slave system. She chose Haiti, where abolition was proclaimed in 1789 - to launch with great fanfare in 1989, the Slave Route and the Slave Museum. (I suggested to the Museum at the Palace doors with 365 left. But the rulers being disinterested, UNESCO will do in Cuba). The Oath of the Bois Caiman (1789) compelled to protect and develop the historic Cape Town. 1992 was declared Year of the Indian with Taino art exhibitions; 1993 years of the abolition of slavery .... In 2004 Haiti tape Kanpai. I do not see how in 2004, Haiti is not the cultural and historic center in the Caribbean.

Imagine my profound disappointment

- to see government after government destroy all the great opportunities that were available and the country down to see us floundering in a stinking mud!

- to see that human rights-for which we had fought so hard - were violated with impunity. While we dance the carnival, macoutes invisible exert physical violence, imprisonments, deportations, kidnappings ...

- to realize that, for corruption, while the Duvalier family and some relatives were only to plunder the funds rather solid state, corruption has become so pervasive that one wonders how elected will have enough strength to combat it, even put end.

- to live day after day the physical destruction of the country: 'anarchic exploitation of sand quarries, shantytowns overlooking the wild hills of Petion-Ville and capital, so that when I arrived in 1986, these hills were forested, green, not frames.

As for the division, it suffices to note that despite the tragedy of 12 January, had 70 political parties and 39 presidential candidates to realize that there is no agreement, no grouping. And they all say nationalists, while they are almost all selfish, egocentric. Despite all the urgent appeals of Konbitisme: no konbites national development, not konbites construction. Governments are activists, populists, crippled by hatred and revenge. Instead of a Mandela, peacemaker, unifier, we were geniuses of the division, to the point today to see our independence threatened because of fraudulent elections.

Listening to Marie Claude France, (heard on radio Kiskeya January 21) Like me, she is less concerned to try Jean-Claude Duvalier to complain against those who followed him, to discuss the crimes they committed against those who could not escape: the use of the hated Father Lebrun, destruction and looting wild, not to mention the beatings, imprisonment, expulsion of journalists. ... She said obviously the multiple murders including that of his father that of Jean Dominique. She also denounced the shantytowns of the capital and one of the hills overlooking the capital and Petion-Ville: physical assassination removes any possibility of development of these two cities.

Listening Liliane (seen and heard on national TV after the arrival of Jean-Claude Duvalier). Like me, she did not think we fulfilled our duty to remember. In 1986, the Government had invited to the Fort Dimanche a museum of horrors committed by the Duvalier. There was an exhibition at City Hall in thousands of photos of victims of the Duvalier. They have placed in the Museum and added all the written evidence, such as those we make today across all media.

If counsel had invited the victims Upcoming their complaints and, further, to renew them, the successors of the Duvalier would have thought twice before violating human rights, knowing they could be charged with crimes against humanity, with the threat of be tried in international court in The Hague. And our young, having before their eyes these horrors, would not have shouted: "Vive Duvalier."

For me, the disappointment is enormous, the incurable wound. Yes! I am deeply affected and it is with difficulty that I continue the fight for a country where leaders do not think countries. I have great difficulties to accept physical assassination of the country and my dream, let alone this division continued at the political level. This despite the threats expressed by our Great Neighbors and involving the loss of our legendary pride, dignity and all that, gradually, our sovereignty.

This no longer interests me to judge Jean-Claude Duvalier. I'm sick because most of what I lived and still live in the post-Duvalier. I say that Jean-Claude came to power 19 years in a bloody established by his father and he is refusing the party bloodbath that wanted his entourage. He has at least that in his defense.

All my struggles 27 years of exile and all my dreams of 1986 were murdered by Duvalier's successors. What do they have their landfills? Is this wretched country?





Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Reliable Is A Hiv Test At 4 Months

in Haiti: the ruling party decides to withdraw its candidate

Source: , January 26, 2011

PORT-AU-PRINCE (AFP) - The party of power in Haiti, Init, announced Wednesday it had decided to formally withdraw the nomination of its candidate Jude Celestin to the presidency, says in a statement.

"While we are confident that Jude Celestin has obtained the necessary number of votes and is thus allowed to go to the second round, Init agrees to withdraw as a candidate for the presidency," the text Creole signed major party leaders.

However, Mr. Celestin, whose candidacy was backed by outgoing President Rene Preval has not confirmed his own withdrawal, and his signature does not appear on the document.

A source close to the party told AFP on condition of anonymity, that Mr. Celestin refused to withdraw from the presidential race and threatened to hold a press conference to denounce the announcement of its withdrawal .

Since the first round of presidential elections on 28 November, Haiti has plunged into a political crisis linked to qualification for the second round, alongside the former first lady Mirlande Manigat, Jude Celestin according to preliminary results released early December by the Electoral Council.

These results have been denounced by supporters of the candidate who came in third place, Michael Martelly, and therefore excluded from the second round. They were also challenged by an audit of the votes of the Organization of American States (OAS), which suggested a duel between Mr. and Mrs. Manigat Martelly the second round. The party

Init (Unit in Creole), which criticizes the experts' report of the OAS, called on his supporters to "remain calm and to stay engaged."

"We will fight to ensure victory for our candidates in the Senate and the deputation in the second round of elections, "he says.

November 28 were also held parliamentary elections.

Conversely, in a statement U.S. diplomat said Wednesday that "the Haitian government should accept the conclusions of the report of the OAS and to the second round of elections." "We are monitoring the situation very closely," said Philip Crowley, spokesman for the department state in this text.

Washington "expressed no preference for any particular candidate. (United States) want a process fair election, "added Thomas Adams, special coordinator for Haiti, the same day.

In Congress, Bill Nelson, Marco Rubio, the two senators from Florida (southeast) where there is a strong Haitian community, have their later called, in a resolution at the end of the political crisis in Haiti, calling for the establishment of a new government on February 7 or in the days that follow.

It arrives on February 7 to expire the term of outgoing President Rene Preval.

"We need things to be clarified before the 7", also said Secretary OAS Assistant General Albert Ramdin. "We need to know what will happen because the situation is too confusing," he told reporters before a meeting of the organization in Washington.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Burgos Catchphrase And Examples

vegans on TF1

Yep that's it, nothing can slow down the vegan revolution. And it takes for a thing like that happening on TF1!
Just a note. And honestly. Being vegan is nothing binding. What is binding is primarily to try to eat healthy, because you can be vegan eating fries and salad every day. But as always in matters of nutrition, diet, natural and healthy requires a bit more time and attention :-)

Click here to see the video!

Grecian Formula Effects

Tonight I ate too

must say that with my friend Assya we ripped my hummus with sundried tomatoes, plus she had a dish of quinoa, quinoa and my muffin (it was attached) I finished.

But hey, there is no point in this post I just wanted to announce that thanks to her I learned how to do close-up shots without any blur it is! Yep I do not know the "macro" mode of my camera super expensive.

Quinoa Assya of ...

my rye toast / sesame and sun-dried tomato hummus my

Well, jvais art work:-P

Monday, January 24, 2011

Motion Sensor Circuit

Zosui butternut squash and edamame, sautéed onions and ginger

I found edamame!! I'm fooooooolle joy and I was full of ideas! Next recipe, edamame guacamole! This last recipe Vegetarian Times (you know, this magazine makes me happy as the sight of which, in my mailbox, makes me almost hysterical?) I was really in the eye and took me well because it was very good. So I said goodbye to the pressure cooker cooking (which was the theme of the article which was the recipe) so I adapted the recipe a lot anyway.

Then Zosui is a soup made of Japanese rice and broth with vegetables and others. As you can see, I have chosen instead serve it as a stew but just cook for less time than the less liquid evaporates.


For Zosui

- 2 tsp sesame oil
- 400g butternut squash
- 250 grams of cooked brown rice
- 200 gr edamame
- 400 ml vegetable broth
- a piece about 5 inches kombu
- 500 ml of water
- 3 tablespoons white miso

For the sautéed onions and ginger

- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 3 tbsp grated fresh ginger
- 6 green onions
- 1 / 4 tsp white pepper


1) Heat the sesame oil in a saucepan, add the butternut squash, rice, edamame, water , broth and kombu. Bake about 15 minutes, until squash is cooked.
2) Remove the kombu Zosui and chop finely, then put it back in the soup.
3) Take about 250 ml of broth in a bowl, mix miso and add everything to the pot of soup.
4) Heat a pan with olive oil, add ginger and green onions and cook 3 minutes. Turn off heat and season. Put about 1 tablespoon of the sautéed onions on each bowl of soup.

Cannot See A Friend Post On Facebook

Newcomers ... Fondue

vegan ... in my library!

Z'êtes jealous eh!!

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Tonight I made a vegan fondue. I do not give a recipe for the moment because I'm still reworking it. But I'm curious, one of you there a favorite recipe fondue VGL?

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Hummus. Hummus. Hummus. I
a love for hummus without any action. I eat all the time. And everything is an excuse to eat. I love to vary the ingredients. For me it's pure happiness. Tonight I felt like hummus BUT also dried tomatoes and, you know, there is no limit to a well-stocked culinary imagination. So I did what I do: bring your fingers down my jars in the fridge and on my shelves. And it came out this hummus you need, really, to try.


- 200 gr cooked chickpeas
- 1 large tablespoon of almond cream white
- 1 / 2 teaspoon paprika
- 1 / 2 chopped peppers, seeded, or a whole chilli if you like, like me, the thrill
- 1 tbsp lemon juice (or more, depending on your taste)
- salt and pepper to taste
- 3 tbsp dried tomatoes
- 1.5 tbsp oil from dried tomatoes


Any mixer. Enjoy. AAAAAHHHHH ....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Magnetic Tape Strips For Shower Doors

Haiti / Five days after his dramatic arrival in the country, President Jean-Claude Duvalier, speaks to the press and people Haitian


President Jean-Claude Duvalier,
in Petion-ville, Haiti, January 21, 2011
Photo: AFP

President Jean-Claude Duvalier to the Press
in a hotel in Petion-ville, Haiti, January 21, 2011
Photo: Hector Retamal, AFP

Press briefing by Mr. Jean-Claude Duvalier and
of legal

Dear friends of the press,

Thank you for having responded to my invitation that day and seized the opportunity afforded me to address my fellow citizens.

Very briefly, I will tell you how much I was impressed by the welcome I have received from Francois Duvalier International Airport for this visit, especially in this crowd of young people who do not know me.

This gives heart-warming. M di yo Mèsi anpil, m'te Kontan Momma's viv-a.

That said, I know how many of you are curious about the subject of my return to Port-au-Prince after a quarter century of absence. This question is on everyone's lips.

because I wanted to pay tribute to the many victims of the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010 which was, according to official estimates, three hundred sixteen thousand (316,000) died. Unfortunately, I'm not arrive in time for the commemoration.

Dear compatriots,

me back you to express my solidarity in this extremely difficult period of national life where you are still hundreds of thousands living under the stars, amid the ruins. From the moment that I decided to return to Haiti to commemorate with you, our country, this sad anniversary, I was expecting all sorts of persecution, but believe me, the desire to participate in your side at this Konbit for national reconstruction, far exceeds the red that I could be facing ... Whatever the cost, the main thing for me is to be with you. And I say that as such, all Haitians of good will have the right to want to participate.

I take this opportunity to publicly present my condolences to my millions of fans who, after my voluntary departure from Haiti to avoid bloodshed and facilitate the rapid conclusion of the political crisis in 1986 were delivered themselves. Thousands were brutally murdered, smoky, grilled, tortured to "pil lebrun" word became notorious, their homes, their belongings looted, déchoukés, burned. And all this under the glare of cameras around the world.

I also take this opportunity to express once more my deep sadness the place of my countrymen who recognize, rightly, to have suffered under my government.

Youth of my country,

During my long stay in France, I was always attentive to your cries and your misfortunes. I had some of your difficult times with great sorrow and grief. To you, future leaders of this country, which should take over and show the world that the Haitian soul is alive and well and strong.

And as to parody the Rev. Martin Luther King: " when you will ensure that the bell of the national reconciliation could resonate in every heart and that we let chime in every community in every city, every neighborhood, every home, then we can speed up that day when all the children of Haiti, men and women, old and young, rich and poor, those of inside as those in the diaspora, can walk hand in hand without exclusion and participate together in the revival of Haiti .

This is the message I get back.

Vive Haiti! May God bless us!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Haïti-élections/Rapport final audit experts from the OAS

Here is the link to the official report of the OAS experts:
Haïti-élections/rapport Audit experts from the OAS , January 13, 2011.

Experts recommend removing the candidate Jude Celestin second place and put it in third.

The report recommends removing the candidate Michel Martelly third place and put it in second.

Experts recommend that the second round is held between Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly.

Here are the results of the first round of the experts recommended by the OAS after verification:
  • Total valid votes: 1,023,121 (the shell that I noted in a previous article has been corrected by the OAS ).
  • Mirlande Manigat, 1st, 323 048 votes, 31.6%
  • Michel Martelly, 2nd, 227 467 votes, 22.2%
  • Jude Celestin, 3rd, 224 242 votes, 21.9%

Despite the difference of 3225 votes separating Jude Celestine Michel Martelly, statistical inference (hypothesis testing) does not suggest that these two candidates are considered tied. Therefore, the experts clearly preclude any possible recommendation that Jude Celestin be eligible in the second round.

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Haiti: Duvalier aspires to regain power, but his past continues

Haiti Jean-Claude Duvalier to the crowd at the Karibe Hotel, Petion-ville.
Photo: AFP, 19 January 2011

Source: , January 19, 2011
By AFP, published on 18/01/2011 and updated on 01/19/2011

PORT -AU-PRINCE - Jean-Claude Duvalier's ambition to regain president of Haiti, his entourage said on Wednesday, despite complaints of crimes against humanity brought against the former dictator returned home to everyone's surprise.
Three days after his return to Port-au-Prince and 25 years from exile in France, "Baby Doc", 59, appeared briefly in mid-day about fifty supporters who cheered outside his hotel.

Meanwhile, her spokesman, Henri-Robert Sterlin, unveiled at the AFP's strategy of the former president, returned to Port-au-Prince when his country is facing a serious political crisis since the first round the disputed November 28 presidential election.

"Everything must be upsetting to chop the elections. And until there is a new general election which occurs Duvalier. And then, bingo" (he was elected), explained M. Sterlin, former Ambassador of Haiti to Paris.

But the former dictator is being prosecuted by his past: he is held accountable by international human rights for the deaths of thousands of opponents during his presidency (1971-86). Wednesday, four complaints of crimes against humanity have been filed against him before the Haitian justice.

journalist Michele Montas, a former spokesman for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said it had filed a complaint for "false imprisonment, exile, destruction of private property, physical and moral torture, violation of civil rights and policies ".

Baby Doc is already on trial since last Tuesday of corruption, embezzlement and conspiracy.

In a statement, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has reminded the Haitian authorities in their "continuing duty to investigate, prosecute, punish and remedy violations of human rights," recalling the Duvalier dictatorship was characterized by "massive violations of human rights."

Mr. Duvalier was confined since his return to declare he had come "to help" Haitians after the earthquake that devastated the country there just a year. He still has not given a press conference.

Meanwhile, the Electoral Council has opened the door to a review of the results of the presidential election, indicating he would "consider" a revision of the first round results based on any disagreement.

Preliminary results announced in early December have resulted in violence by supporters of the singer Michel Martelly, came in third position and therefore excluded from the second round.

With 21% of the vote, Mr. Martelly had only a few thousand votes short of the government candidate, Jude Celestine (22%), the latter being therefore qualified for the second round to face a former first lady, Mirlande Manigat, finished first with 31% of the vote.

But a fact-finding mission by the Organization of American States (OAS) concluded that fraud had distorted the results and recommended to demote Mr. Celestin third.

Besides assuming the cancellation of the poll, which would allow Mr. Duvalier to be a candidate, Mr. Sterlin made a second assumption that Mr. Martelly would eventually reach the second round or even the presidency, with the Support of Duvalier.

If a second round is held, "Mr. Martelly happen to power," predicted Mr. Sterlin, adding that the party Duvalier had "no problem with Mr. Martelly.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Do Grown Me Have Wet Dreams

Duvalier accused of corruption and misappropriation

President Jean-Claude Duvalier in Port-au-Prince.
Photo: The Canadian Press, January 18, 2011

President Jean-Claude Duvalier in Port-au-Prince.
Photo: Ramon Espinosa / AP, January 18, 2011

By Jonathan M. Katz, The Associated Press The Canadian Press, January 18, 2011

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - A judge has opened on Tuesday, an official inquiry into John Claude Duvalier, two days after the surprise return of the former dictator of Haiti in the country, which he was ousted by a popular uprising there nearly 25 years.

The defense lawyer Charles Gervais said that Mr. Duvalier, better known as "Baby Doc", was facing charges of corruption and embezzlement for allegedly stealing the treasury before his ouster , in 1986.

Mr. Charles said that the case was now in the hands of a judge who will decide whether there is enough evidence to hold a trial. This procedure could take up to three months.

Mr. Duvalier has spent much of the day in court behind closed doors, where he was interrogated.

The Haitian judicial system allows for detention before trial. But Mona Bernadeau, Senate candidate for the party of Mr. Duvalier, said the former dictator was returning to the hotel after his meeting with the court.

Earlier Tuesday, a contingent Police went looking for "Baby Doc" to his hotel and was escorted to a sport utility vehicle that was waiting outside. The former dictator was not handcuffed.

Mr. Duvalier, aged 59, was calm and said nothing, ignoring reporters' questions.

The vehicle, escorted by a convoy of police, visited the courthouse, while dozens of supporters of Mr. Duvalier had tried to block the streets with garbage containers and stones to prevent the former dictator was taken to prison.

The courthouse was packed with spectators and journalists, who were not allowed into the room to attend the proceedings.

Mr. Duvalier's companion, Veronica King, interviewed by telephone by The Associated Press as she stood in the hall, said the former dictator had "absolutely not" been arrested.

Hundreds of supporters of Jean-Claude Duvalier had gathered outside the courthouse, burning tires and chanting slogans calling for the arrest of President René Préval.

Chal Christen, aged 56, was waving a flag of Mr. Duvalier's political party, he was stored since the overthrow of "president for life" by a popular uprising, there are nearly 25 years.

"We have no food, our houses have collapsed, our children can not go to school. It Preval is the dictator, "said Christen. "We want Duvalier as president. Under his plan, we ate well and we were safe. "

Fenell Alexi, a mechanic aged 31, attended the scene by denouncing both Mr. Duvalier that Mr. Preval.

"The citizens of this country have endured so many crimes," said Alexi. "We have never had a president who has committed no crimes."

Jean-Claude Duvalier took power in 1971 after the death of his father, Francois Duvalier, known as "Papa Doc". He was then aged 19. The father and son have chaired one of the darkest chapters in Haitian history, during which the regime's secret police, the Tonton Macoutes, tortured and killed many opponents.

Several groups of human rights, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch urged the Haitian government to arrest Mr. Duvalier to the many abuses committed under his regime.

Amnesty International issued a statement to acknowledge the "arrest" of Mr. Duvalier, while asserting that it was only a beginning.

"If true justice will be rendered in Haiti, Haitian authorities have opened a criminal investigation into the responsibility of Duvalier to the multitude of abuses against human rights committed under his rule, including torture, arbitrary detention , rape, forced disappearances and extrajudicial executions, "says the organization.

Jean-Claude Duvalier still enjoys some support in Haiti, where millions of citizens are too young to remember life under his rule. His surprise return has created a shock wave in the country, where some fear that his presence brings the extreme polarization and political violence of the past.

He did not explain publicly the reasons for his return to Haiti. When he arrived Sunday in Port-au-Prince, his wife said he would be only three days in the country.

How To Clean A Oakley Football Visor

trials for serious abuses of rights in Haiti Haiti

By Professor Gerard Bissainthe

In 1991 Dr Roger Lafontant, one of the great barons of the regime of Jean-Claude Duvalier, was arrested in Port-au-Prince after an attempt coup. While he was in prison under the protection of the justice of our country to be tried, he was murdered in circumstances that remain cloudy. This has deprived us of a trial for serious violations of human rights in Haiti, which would inevitably have been the trial of a regime or a system. Absolutely nothing could justify, or even condone such murder.

Today many are calling the arrest of former President Jean-Claude Duvalier in power to judge him, because he certainly accountable to the nation. But as we must tell us all realism and lucidity that a case against Jean-Claude Duvalier will inevitably be a case against a regime or a system, the chances that the trial proceed in good standing are much reduced (2). It is rather a mort (1) against a man who was as much a victim executioner: an executioner that rumor accused of many serious crimes at least condoned by his administration, but at the same time a victim of machinations national and international who have used it for nefarious purposes and motives. Implications and interference of two nations particular, namely the United States and France, in the management of the Haitian nation and jean-Claudian regime were regular, often deep and well known (3).

Individuals and organizations say their frustration at the fact that major crimes are rarely punished in Haiti, at least from a legal punishment. It seems that one can read between the lines in our history a sort of rule definable as follows: when a great crime in Haiti has foreign roots or at least mixed (Haitian and foreign), its legal impunity is virtually assured. And we will certainly not to notice the moral variable geometry (including the "variable" must depend on the roadmap received from sponsors) in many organizations say human rights that demand, loudly and rightly so, that Jean-Claude Duvalier is held, when, for example, they had never expressed a shred of criticism against the embargo imposed on Haiti by President Bush and continued by President Clinton, an embargo which, inter alia, Cardinal of Santo Domingo, Primate of the Americas, said urbi et orbi indignantly that he was "the most barbaric, inhuman, the most cruel of all the abuses of brute force. "The financial blinders are always more effective.

I say loud and clear that I think Jean-Claude Duvalier is ever to be tried for abuses including the rumor charged. But at the same time we will have that day have the courage to put his side on the dock all those individuals or organizations or States, against whom serious charges of complicity with the regime jean-Claudian. To paraphrase Cornelius, "When the arm has sinned, it punishes the head." And the head is often at the edges of "impassive rivers" of the North.

justice, national or international, must be one and exactly the same for everyone.

Gerard Bissainthe
Professor Emeritus of City University of New York
elected International President of the Forum Francophone International

( 1 .-) After the departure of Jean-Claude Duvalier in 1986, there were one or two in Haiti made trial of the pillars of the dictatorship. It is true that large fish were quickly taken off or had suddenly seen the light hello to the morning of the day of liberation and joined the liberators. There was especially against the culprits, real or pretended, that the regime types of mort who took the name "déchouquages" or "Pere Lebrun" and were mostly of lynchings by cremation in the public square . Far from condemning a member of the CNRS of France named Laennec Hurbon even wrote this sentence remained notorious, never corrected and never disavowed, namely: "The Pere Lebrun [therefore hear the lynching by cremation] is a requirement of strict justice. "After such a moral bond of an inhumane and barbaric by someone you had a right to expect sound advice from collective behavior in dramatic circumstances in our history, there is not surprising that there is in us beings who practice the most brutal violence, when it suits them. Haitians, like all people are capable of the worst atrocities, but they do not need that moralists sent by prestigious foreign institutions, encouraging them.

(2 .-) was seen, for example, how the case against former Chilean President Pinochet has dragged on for years to actually finish fishtail.

(3 .-) If the U.S. interference in Haitian affairs are seen as a kind of de facto protectorate, which has pseudo-legal justification as the Monroe Doctrine, a mere showing, for example, the which was almost organic involvement of France in the scheme jean-Claudian: Haitian writer Roger Gaillard fire was for a very long time without qualms editor very zealous government newspaper jean-Claudian "New World". At the same time France had made him, without qualms, too, a prominent member of the High Council of Francophonie, an organization that operates informally (very bad) business language and international culture of the French state. But here no need to hide the face, "States are cold monsters," De Gaulle dixit.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How To Stop Mastubation

/ President Jean-Claude Duvalier Haiti returns home

President Jean-Claude Duvalier in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, last Sunday, January 16, 2011.
Photo: AFP, 16 January 2011

After 25 years in exile, President Duvalier returned to his home in Haiti. It is a bit dated.

Haiti needs all his son and all his daughters to rebuild. Whether it

turn helps to stabilize the country destabilized by his son and his friends devastated by acts of God (acts of God) ...
Welcome back, his Excellency.

___________________ Click the following link to see the arrival of former chief of state: President
JC Duvalier at the airport, 13 min 31 sec

Gropping On The Subway

-elections 2010-2011 / A runoff between Manigat and Odette Roy Fombrun Martelly

The group of experts sent by the OAS has submitted its report containing its recommendations to President Rene Preval Thursday, January 13, 2011.

The report's conclusions were already known a few days before January 12.

Among the OAS experts, there's Dr. Fritz Scheuren (1). He is a graduate statistician at the University of Chicago. It was the 100th President of the ASA (American Statistical Association). He is the author of books on elections and quality control.

The experts' report concludes that Michel Martelly is 2nd and 3rd Celestin.
The report explicitly recommends that the Jude Celestin has passed the second round, although the gap between him and Michel Martelly is reduced to 3225 votes in favor of Michael Martelly.

Preliminary results released by the PRC prior to the revision / correction proposed by the OAS gave Jude Celestine Michel Martelly second and third with a gap (largest) of 6845 votes in favor of Jude Celestin (December 7, 2011).

Given the seriousness and quality of work of experts from the OAS, the Préval government and the PRC have no choice but to accept and implement to the letter the recommendations of the OAS: second round Manigat - Martelly.

It remains to be seen if the second round will be organized under René Préval with the current PRC, even if the candidate is rejected out of power by the POC.

CHRA-Applied Mathematics has made a statistical analysis of the corrected results by the OAS for the first three candidates. We reach the same conclusion as the experts of the OAS and Dr. Scheuren in particular: we can not conclude that Celestin Martelly = (percentage of vote); Martelly is second after Mirlande Manigat and Celestin was third.

Jude Celestin must be removed from the second round.

Here is a link leading to our analysis. Please excuse the technical:

Haiti-checking the results of presidential 1st round 2010 by the OAS first Manigat, Martelly 2nd, 3rd Celestin.

Dr. Peter Montes

_______________________ (1) Dr. Fritz Scheuren / National Opinion Research Center (NORC), University of Chicago .

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Elf Yourself And Similar

Preval calls from February 7, 2011

Source: , Thursday, January 11, 2011


Mr. President,
I followed with interest your statements to the press tonight January 11, 2011, days before the anniversary of the disastrous earthquake which devastated the capital and all major state services. You are well defended. You're right on many points. BUT, this defense does not reflect reality on the ground today and certainly not threats to increase the instability that you say constantly fight.

On the constitution of 87.
It is certain that from the beginning of your mandate, you have pointed out that she had so many dangerous flaws that should be considered to make amendments as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the perception in your proposal was that you wanted to give another term. Thus, the Constitution of 87 remained in effect. Your critics joined mine and those of the Constitutionalist, Mrs Mirlande Manigat. Since the Amendments to provide it would be very numerous, it recommended the adoption of a new Constitution and had a project. I then proposed that the work of a Constituent Assembly to be started from studying the book of Mrs. Manigat. (Proposition I renew today). However, she insisted on respect for the Constitution of 87, as it was in force.

One inaccuracies of the Constitution of 87 related to Article 149 which states that the president's term begins on February 7 for a period of 5 years; the Constituents failing to state that if for some reason or for another, the mandate was to begin at another date, it would end on February 7 of the 5th year. Aware of the problem, you wisely agreed that your term expires February 7, 2011 as recorded in the electoral law at the time. Now, here today, you rely on Article preferably fixing your mandate to 5 years to remain until May 14 By this new choice, you return to the date calenders Greek Constitution on 7 February. Why the turnaround? Why taking advantage of the flaw of the Constitution of 87 you are reporting and you have so wisely decided to prevented by having the power February 7, 2011? Only a national agreement would have made this transition possible option. Unfortunately, this agreement was not obtained and the field are confrontations and kraze-breeze preparing. In the present context it is dangerous to make such a choice.

Mr. President,
On your departure.
Without a doubt, had there not been the disaster of January 12, you have completed your term in peace, having opened some roads, bridges, universities ... and perhaps set the country on the path of development. It is also certain that history will honor you where tribute is due to you - as for the respect of freedom of speech and the fight against insecurity. (The press even exceeds the limits of the permit and the citizen does not seem to feel the need to purchase an armored car).

Unfortunately, you wear - even unfairly - the weight of the disaster of January 12, considered poorly managed and unfairly that of cholera which claimed so many victims. You are sentenced by a miserable fate from power, leaving the country desperate, BEGGAR, then he is the richest country in the Caribbean, rich in history, historic sites, in cultures ... that is classified by its "Great Friends" who help to the tune of millions and even billions (?): "only American and only LDC countries in the hemisphere undergoing total desertification. What a comedown! What a shame! What pain! Why such forfeiture otherwise than by a questioning of what has not been done?

Why do not you run so much wealth? Why have not you stopped the dangerous deforestation of the hills overlooking the capital, and prevented the construction and proliferation of these concrete-threatening cities? Why have so slow to take effective decentralization carrier jobs and regeneration of the provinces, limiting rural exodus? It was in your best interest to encourage NABATEC interesting project, many jobs and housing for the homeless in Port-au-Prince. Why did you not? Above all, why did not put a stop to the invasion of space for development projects? These positive initiatives have certainly argued in your favor today.

Regarding the creation of the Unity party.
You explained valid reasons that led you to create and to you personally and directly involved. This choice does not put you above the fray, is a sector of the population to get blamed for the failure of elections and claim your departure from power. In retrospect, it would have been wiser and more prudent for you to support non-partisan elections for a peaceful transfer of power ....

In conclusion, I beg you, Excellency, to avoid new turmoil in the country, dangerous to national sovereignty. Imitate the gesture of Tiresias Simon Sam February 7, voluntarily provide the power a judge of the Court of Cassation and the nation will be grateful for having avoided the breeze kraze-destructive threat. Leave the history of the care you justice.

I also suggest that you leave:
the cabinet remains in place, given the current agreements with the International Community and the many ongoing projects. This would help maintain stability and ensure a minimum of continuity. This practice is however subject to redrafting by your replacement. It will be up to the president and elected a new Parliament with the task of installing a new Government.

redesign Electoral Council and the electoral system to ensure the credibility of the next games to be held as soon as possible. You may want to propose a procedure.

the establishment of a Constituent Assembly so that future elections should be under the aegis of a new constitution best suited to the harmonious development of the Nation and which are demanded of many citizens.

With my respectful greetings and wishes for peace for you, your family and country Odette Roy Fombrun


* Your case, Mr. Speaker, is similar to that of President Magloire. In that time, the date was not constitutional February 7, but on May 15 Magloire ... "sworn December 6, 1950 for a term of 6 years. A transitional provision of the constitution of 1950 provides that his term would end May 15, 1957 (the date to respect constitutional). Because politics is the number one killer in our country, despite the accuracy of constituents, there were protests and Magloire had to take the path of exile.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Watch Jesse Jane On

Haiti-first round presidential 2010/Rapport final experts OAS (37 pages)

The Election Observation Mission joint OAS / CARICOM presented the report of the Expert Mission the Government of Haiti yesterday, Thursday, January 13, 2011.

Indeed, the Chief of the Joint Electoral Observation Mission (MOEC), Ambassador Colin Granderson, and the Director of the Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO), Pablo Gutierrez today presented Government of Haiti in the final report of the Expert mission to verify the tabulation of the vote in the presidential election on November 28, 2010, sent by the Organization of American States (OAS).

The report is entitled:

The report is in the form of pdf file and contains 37 pages.

To read it, download it, click the following link: / Haiti Final Report OAS-

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Radio Shack Receipt 2010

Postcard: Transition Plans

NDCDP-Politics .- We have been informed of the existence of this Article by Mr Jean-Robert Boulin who read yesterday and today in his morning show on CPAM 1610 in Montreal.

By Ray Killick

Source: , Monday, January 10, 2011 4:41 p.m.

Etendard an ideal can be too large to inheritance, the promise of a new world order in full colonial order, the young republic of Haiti in 1804 exists today in name only. Far from strengthening empowerment through critical mass, the fragile agreement in the cradle of the Republican dream failed to feed the almost irreparable crack in which consciousness and the collective subconscious there is actually two nations whose Haitian reports hamper any hope of remaking the state and national revival.

When a country does not manage its problems, they will contribute and grow in the socio-temporal to poison the social fabric and facilitate the imposition inadequate solutions to national crises. Foreign solutions, to boot. Desperate, the poor have no other choice but to straddle the delicate silhouette of a renewal that embraces them on casino roulette posed by elections. So when the Haitian solution?


An earthquake 8.8 on the Richter scale, a high-tech rescue of 33 miners, another earthquake of 7.1 is the opportunity to Michele Bachelet and his successor to prove to world that Chile is a country where the state is responsible and able to manage its problems. Leadership coordinates the Chilean operations reconstruction and rescue and can assess the adequate foreign assistance, together with the Chilean resources and use wisely for the national welfare. Chile is a country that respects and shows a patriotic spirit in a Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le poignant and memorable.

In our African brothers, Rwanda will prove to the world at the end of the twentieth century at the height of a fratricidal genocide, free, no glory and no winners, it is always possible to say "enough is enough, let's make peace to build a society for all.

Let's make peace for the future and work together, brothers enemies, so that we do not impose a foreign mission of stabilization and reconstruction committee at our expense. "

Two countries in South Africa, Chile and Rwanda illustrate perfectly that people who choose to take charge of their destiny can accomplish great things together to shape a quality of national life that never gets a gift, especially not the UN, OAS, or the capitalist West. By a curious path diametrically opposed visions of the Chilean and Rwandan State management, Haitian leaders, hungry for quick and illicit enrichment, these authentic-Class, bet by their behavior irresponsible government resigned is viable in perpetuity, and the U.S., EU, UN and OAS will always be present at the bedside of a country that commits suicide, a land that his own son had ceased to love. Unfortunately for us, the illusion is at its peak when speculation politicians and strategic plans native crave an international financial system exhausted and moribund supported by a political apparatus that has never stopped believing that charity begins at the West.

It is expensive foreign expertise that international aid is dependent on governments to impose who can not defend the interests of their people. Yet this path is narrow that Preval regime, opposition and much of the intelligentsia have borrowed.

not a question of Professor VS. MUSICIAN.

It does not redefine the rules of democracy when we suddenly realize that a candidate is a popular musician dubious reputation. Sweet Micky has every right to fight for that light be shed on the outcome of the election of November 28. A fiasco, which punishes failure of the International and the country should sound the alarm for the emergence of a new sense of patriotism. Need I remind that Professor Leslie Manigat much less popular than Mickey had just protested against the decision to eliminate the second round of the 2006 presidential election and the honorable professor Mirlande Manigat, elected senator, despised, in solidarity with her husband unfairly dismissed, confidence that the people had placed in it to represent?

Whatever the recommendations of experts from the OAS on the elections, it should be noted that the Haitian people are trying to look for. He always takes his misfortune to the candidate who identifies with his case by the word malice. Nobody can say that a regime will be a repeat Micky Aristide's disappointment. Nobody can say that the honorable professor disappoint the helm of affairs. It is in total blackout on the grip and dexterity of the latter to direct the national boat safely.

The real question is not Mirlande Manigat vs. Sweet Micky. The electorate has little elements of choice based on experience or Martelly Manigat at the head of a company. He has no other choice than to play roulette as always. If you love the career of university teaching and that of Madame condemns the vulgarity of the singer, the choice is clear. If cons, we find ourselves in the song of it and we do not understand the teacher, the choice is simple. And that is precisely where the shoe pinches. These candidates have not yet formulated a solution really Haiti to the Haitian crisis. That is to say that the approach is still foreign aid on which set a vision for change.

It tells us nothing about an approach that would consolidate the country's forces to:
1) Start with the challenge of rebuilding from within our means.
2) Challenging the way we interact with foreign specifying the kind of help that can supplement our resources
3) Make our foreign embassies real engine marketing and awareness for the cause of Haiti (schools, agriculture, technical, medical, etc.).
4) Rethinking the state, taxing the country
5) Insert the International on safety measures we consider necessary for a climate conducive to economic recovery
6) Already negotiate with the departure of UN MINUSTAH after the formation of a force in adequate numbers Haitian
7) Provide benefits to the Diaspora Haitian repatriation accelerated
8) Encourage the Haitian private sector to contribute to social (schools, donations of equipment, etc.).
9) etc..

as it is about a recovery in the hands of the reconstruction efforts by Haitians. Instead of enjoying the windfall from the western sky without which one is paralyzed, one must begin with a realistic vision and strategic initiatives that can make us seriously at international level. (No strategic plan of $ 100 billion please!) We can all start at once, but we can run some things that demonstrate our will and fighting spirit to get us out of this mess we are plunging natural forces and the consequences of our mistakes bicentennial.

Note that I'm not talking about the country's natural resources as some like to pretend that this would change the fate of the Haitian people is inhumane. If there is one truth in this world, it is that the riches of the subsoil creating rich families, mafias, and more poor. The gap between rich and poor is accentuated in this context. I mean rather a culture change, the timing will allow responsible management of tangible and intangible resources of Haiti.


When the hand that shapes the world had decided to launch the Group of 184 and the rebellion that Aristide was pushed to pack 29 February 2004, it was then no liberation struggle or a new social contract but rather a simple stir at the head of state. It parachuted Gerard Latortue and MINUSTAH in the decor not for a transition plan but for the quarantine of Haiti for years.

Seven years later, where are we with the stabilization? Alexandre-Latortue regime has managed the alien in the same manner as all governments of Haiti beggars did. We remember Latortue trumpeting that Canada was going to help reform the Haitian justice. He also promised

security after his trip to Montreal to urge our compatriots to return home to invest.

For lack of leadership, this plan did not create the conditions for regime change. That is why a transition plan is still an imperative at this moment of our existence as a people. When we spoke

transition in 2004, he had to ask for that transition? Transition to what? Elections in Haiti or quarantine? (Note that I refrain from repeating the "agency" because it's not about that.) Without this transition plan, friends, readers, it will just as people continue to play roulette until execution reaches the leadership helm of affairs.


One of the greatest leadership qualities is humility. The leader who possesses good listener to learn of his subordinates. And learning and he knows how to avoid the blindness that gives the power which has misled those who considered themselves as revolutionaries and Aristide great equalizer before the Lord.

Hopefully the teacher or musician, if he arrives at the helm of affairs in the next election will not have the power to blind vertigo. And he will instead seek a solution to the Haitian crisis in Haiti is to say possible in part with our resources and the redefinition of relations with the International on the question of foreign assistance.

Hopefully there is behind the campaign speech a real political will for a profound transformation of the nation, the overhaul of the state, a real transition plan.

Will and humility are the two qualities that distinguish the leadership of the fifth kind, that is to say the leadership of the highest level. It seemed to touch them in Chile in two successive occasions in 2010 and memorable.

From Chile ... a postcard Manigat and Martelly.

Power is a liability and not a divine right of inheritance. Power must be earned trust, never violated even when the leader is expected to take unpopular measures in the interest of his people.
is in the exercise of power that the leader emerges in all its fullness, its true dimensions, especially when you have to reconcile two nations sine qua non for a renaissance in Haiti.

From Rwanda ... a postcard and Manigat Martelly.

When the leader lacks the means of its policy, it must strive to lead the political means. And this may be the first hurdle for the tenant's palace collapsed if by chance he fucks the heels of a refractory introduced him to the prime minister, courtesy of a likely parliamentary majority for the party and so far does has not been questioned. This means that the position of president remains in the psyche of the Haitian political one that matters.

is why I emphasize the need for a real transition plan, rather than cosmetic as the transition Latortue Alexander scored for the pax americana.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Aveeno Unscented Tattoos

Haiti / 1st round presidential 2010 / Excerpts from the report of the OAS experts




The Expert Team verified 442 PVs from a national sample representing 71,423 votes and 454 PVs where it applied the criteria for disallowing PVs, which represent 118,478 votes. Additionally, the Expert Team retrieved 23 ballot boxes from all 10 of the BEDs, representing 2,162 votes. Team members travelled to the BEDs and brought the bags to be reviewed in the receiving center where electoral materials were returned on Election Day. In the presence of CEP authorities, they reviewed the contents of the bags and conducted a manual count of the ballots. The Expert Mission reviewed a total of 919 PVs or 8.2 percent of the total PVs processed by the CTV. This number represented 192,063 votes or 16.9 percent of the total votes processed by the CTV.

Additionally, the user access logs for the CTV tabulation system were reviewed. A reference analysis was conducted to detect irregularities by implementing crossexaminations between the tabulation systems logs and the extract of the PV results by comparing the status of the PVs against result logs. Furthermore, the logs were review to verify that the first and second data intake operations were completed by different users. Finally, a review was conducted to verify that the operator quality control was undertaken by a user uninvolved in the data entry. The review concluded that all user control policies were followed.

Finally, the Expert Team's mandate required it conduct interviews with electoral stakeholder to obtain their insights and opinions about the first round elections. In fulfilling this mandate, team members met with representatives of the presidential candidacies of Mr. Martelly, and of the Group of Twelve presidential candidates which is petitioning a group on the election results. Contact was made with Mrs. Manigat, but the proposed meeting with her representative never materialized. Team members also met with representatives of the following civil society organizations – Initiative de la Société Civile, (ISC), Réseau National de Droit de l'Homme, and the Conseil National d'Observation des Elections (CNO). These meeting also permitted the Expert Mission to offer information on its composition, its methodology and on some of its own insights.


For the purposes of this Expert Mission, an "electoral irregularity" is defined as the purposeful or erroneous violation of official electoral procedures resulting in the disputed validity of voted ballots, electoral documents, or voter eligibility and, as a consequence, electoral results. Keeping in mind the relevant provisions of the Haitian Electoral Law, the Expert Mission noted the following kinds of irregularities in its verification process:
  1. Missing of PVs, voter lists, and tally sheets from the polling station sachets.
  2. Absence of required signatures on the PVs or the tally sheets.
  3. Alterations (an attempt to change the results on the PV) versus corrections, which did not change results.
  4. The absence of written CIN numbers on the voter lists indicating that an elector had voted.
  5. Irregular patterns when recording CIN numbers (e.g. the first few pages completely full of electors who voted with the remaining pages blank.)
  6. Invalid CIN numbers confirmed by using a bar code scanner linked to the national voter registry.
  7. Disallowed PV sachets to confirm the validity of the quarantine decision by the Unit for Legal Control (ULC) disallowing those results.
  8. PVs recording voter participation rates exceeding 50 percent and at least 150 votes for any single presidential candidate, which were included in the final vote tally.
  9. Missing PV sachets with the results of a number of polling stations.

From the analysis of the information obtained from these sources, the Expert Mission identified the following tendencies.

  1. As the participation rate and total number of votes for the winning candidate increases, so too does the probability of irregularities and fraud.
  2. When compared to the total field of candidates, the irregularities impacted two candidates in particular. (See table below.)
  3. Given that most of the irregularities were found on source documents coming from polling stations, the Expert must conclude that most of the irregularities and fraud emanated from the polling stations.
  4. At the Tabulation Center, however, the Legal Control Unit's inconsistent practices and ambiguous lines of authority contributed to the uncertainties surrounding the validity of the preliminary results.

In recommending a remedy to correct these irregularities, the Expert Mission identified four options for consideration:

  1. Conduct a new nationwide election.
  2. Conduct a new election in certain problematic locations.
  3. Conduct a nationwide recount of presidential ballots.
  4. Review those PVs in the particularly problematic areas, as identified by voter participation and vote total for a single candidate, and disallow those that do not comply to articles 171 and 173.2 of the electoral code of Haiti.
  5. Ascertain the impact on the preliminary results, including the placement of the top two candidates to enter the second round.

The option to conduct a new national election was ruled out. As it pertains to the presidential election, which is the scope of the Expert Mission, the irregularities identified most profoundly affected the candidacies of the first, second and third place presidential candidates in the first round. The Expert Mission believes that a new election would involve more contests and candidacies than the evidence warranted. Furthermore, it would subject the Haitian people to a further lapse in constitutional governance, impose new campaign expenses, and diverting scarce resources both from the treasury of the Government of Haiti and international assistance would otherwise be directed into humanitarian relief, and reconstruction programming.

The Expert Mission has ruled out the option of organizing a presidential election in selected areas was ruled out for similar reasons. While the variable costs associated with an election involving fewer voters would be, in principle, less than a nationwide one, the overhead costs of electoral administration would still be incurred, additional expenses would still be imposed on domestic and international stakeholders, and the lapse in constitutional governance would remain the same as in the case of a national election repoll.

The Expert Mission does not consider a nationwide recount of presidential ballots as a feasible option. The Electoral Law of Haiti does not have explicit provisions to conduct a physical recount of ballots. According to Haitian legislation, the PVs serve as the final accounting of election results and the basis for any recalculation of the preliminary outcomes.

The Expert Mission proceeded on the option of verifying the preliminary results by way of the visual verification of a large number of PVs in order to determine whether the preliminary results reflected the will of the people.

In accordance with this provision of the law, the Expert Mission set four specific criteria to determine if a PV should be included: 1) the inclusion or absence of the required signatures of the polling officials on the Procès-Verbaux; 2) the inclusion or absence of the list of registered voters; 3) the presence or accuracy of the CIN numbers to identify those voters who cast their ballots at that particular polling station and if bona fide; 4) if a Procès-Verbal had been obviously altered to change the results of the elections, for instance adding a digit to a number to increase a vote total by a hundred or more, that PV was also excluded.

Following the original "red flag" utilized by the ULC in the Tabulation Center, the Expert Mission reviewed those PVs where any single candidate received more than 150 votes or more. Because of the statistically significant patterns demonstrated in the national sample, it reviewed and evaluated all PVs with a participation of 50 percent and above and the previously mentioned candidate total. Every single one of the PVs with a participation rate that exceeded 100 percent was reviewed, irrespective of the candidate vote total. Any other PV that was found to not be in compliance with the above criteria, even if it didn't reach the thresholds for participation and candidate vote total, was also recommended to be disallowed and not included in the final vote tally.

The table below shows the impact on vote totals for each presidential candidate when these criteria are applied campared with the officially reported election results from the CEP.

In compliance with its mandate, the Expert Mission offers to the CEP the following figures to quantify the impact of the recommendation to exclude 234 PVs from the vote tally. Should this recommendation be implemented., the position of the candidate in third place would change to second and the candidate now in second place would move to third.

The final decision by the CEP should be followed by the statuory of contestation for a legal hearing of disputes over the CEP's decision so that a final result for the first can be certified.


In order to improve the integrity of polling and tabbulation in the second round of voting the CEP can consider intistuting the following policiy and administrative improvements.

A. Polling Station Administration

  1. In order to improve the accuracy of accounting for ballots cast and voters, the record of voting by Political Party Agents (mendataires) and pollworkers should be documented and accounted for on a dedicated Proces-Verbal.
  2. It is essential to reinforce the training of the polling staff in order to guarantee the accuarcy of the information contained in the PV transmitted to the CTV as well as to avoid irregularities noted during the examination of PVs ans the supporting documentation. Poll worker training should emphasize the proper search techniques on the voter registry in identifing the names of voters, vote tabulation procedures, and the proper completition and inclusion of electoral documents in the sachet. Attendance at the training session should be mandatory and a senior officier from the Tabulation Center should be present at the training of trainers to improve the quality of the information recorded on the PV and other material included in the sachet. Further, the President, Vice-President, and Secretary of the polling station should not only required to list their name on the PV but also sign the form for authentification. The PV may require a change in format to accommodate these signatures.
  3. Improved training should be provided for the Agents de Security Electoraux (ASE) to better prepare them in polling station security and conflit management. This training should include establishing communication protocols among the ASE, Haitian National Police ans MINUSTAH for rapid responses to security incidents. Poll worker should receive better training in electoral security incident documentation and reporting.
  4. The performance of poll workers employed at stations where irregularities occured should be reviewed. Those individuals who served in polling station where the malfesance occured should not be re-employed for the second round. Similarly , the PVs yield the insights that in some case entire polling centers were subjet to irregularities . In those case, the polling center supervisor should not be re-employed for the second round.

B. Tabulation Center Administration

The Expert Mission focused its efforts and activities in the Vote Tabulation Center (CTV, by its French acronym). Its two chief deficiencies concerned the lack of clear criteria for determining the validity of the Proces-Verbal and its complementary documentation. To this end, the Expert Mission provides the following recommendations.

  1. The Legal Review Unit should continue using the four specific criteria to determine if a PV should be included: 1) the inclusion or absence of the required signatures of the polling officials on the ; 2) the inclusion or absence of the list of registered voters; 3) the presence and accuracy of the CIN numbers to identify those voters who cast their ballots at that particular polling station; 4) if a Procès- Verbal had been obviously altered to change the results of the elections, for instance adding a digit to a number to increase a vote total by a hundred or more, that PV was also excluded.
  2. A clear chain of authority should be established regarding those PVs, which after the first review, remain in doubt as to their validity. This authority should include Haitian lawyers with particular knowledge of the electoral law of the country.
  3. Additional recommendations should include:

    a. The CTV should formalize the Manual of Operations and have it approved by the CEP thereby giving it a statutory base. This manual would improve the quality control measures through greater consistency, uniformity and thoroughness in the application of the verification criteria. Likewise, it would improve the organization of the chain of visual verification process with measures to isolate the results sheets being worked on from those already verified and those awaiting verification.

    b. The CTV should be provided with sufficient resources to open each sachet and check for the statutory presence of PVs and tally sheets. Without such documents, the PVs should be disallowed for further investigation by the ULC.

    c. The CTV should employ scanners to create an electronic log of the PVs received. By creating PDF copies, the PV can be posted on the CEP web site for public inspection and transmitted electronically when required. By initiating the scanning capability at the Tabulation Center, the basic technology will be put into place which could then be expanded downward to BEDs, BECs, and even polling stations in future elections.

    d. The resources for the Tabulation should be expanded so that the PV tabulation completion time can be reduced from its current seven days.

    e. International and domestic election monitors should be permitted to observe all of the activities of the CTV including the intake of sachets, initial inspection procedures, and the organization of PV for tabulation.

Unit for Legal Control (ULC)

  1. Strengthen the training provided to the ULC lawyers, in particular with regard to the voting and tabulation processes.
  2. A mechanism of accountability for the work being performed by the lawyers should be put in place in order to ensure a quality control of the legal verification of irregular PVs.
  3. Information on PVs verified, even if they were not set aside, should be made public.
  4. Provide a larger cadre of trained lawyers in order to increase the volume of visual verification undertaken.
  5. The ULC attorneys should be provided with improved office facilities and equipment to facilitate better document control, processing, and organization.

Conseil Electoral Provisiore

  1. The CEP should expand the incoming call capacity of the Emergency Call Center so that security responses to intimidation, threats, and attacks at polling stations can be effectively organized.
  2. For improved ballot control and accountability, the CEP should print ballots with numbered counterfoils. This procedure should allow poll workers to reconcile ballots cast with voter turnout enhancing the integrity of the tabulation figures on the PVs.
  3. The CEP should improve the format of the PV form to reflect the following changes:

  • The official copy of the form should not be white as this copy is easier to fraudulently reproduce;
  • The total votes from all the candidates should be placed at the bottom of the of the tally column;
  • The form should contain space for the signature of all polling staff, mandataires, and observers.

International Community

  1. The number of international observers should be increased for the second round and deployed in greater numbers at the polls where irregularities were identified in the first round as a deterrent to fraud.
  2. The Verification Mission has identified polling locations where violence occurred and voting was disrupted. Such patterns of electoral violence provide the international community with a map of "hot spot" locations where the probability of a repetition of such violence exists. Therefore, in these areas where polling stations are designated as "hot spots," the international observe presence can be more robust and the presence of MINUSTAH forces can be reinforced.


The 2010 presidential election was the fourth conducted since the adoption of the Haitian constitution in 1987. While this Verification Mission has identified significant irregularities, which it believes influenced the outcome of the first round of elections, there are aspects of the electoral process to inspire confidence.

  1. There were 19 candidates contesting for the presidency, demonstrating an active and robust support for elections as the instrument to determine executive governance.
  2. The electoral process engaged 33,543 Haitians as poll workers, demonstrating a deep sense of civic responsibility and pride among the electorate.
  3. The election was monitored by around 6,000 national observers, demonstrating a commitment on the part of Haitian civil society to demand accountability of its election officials and processes.
  4. Haitians have historically respected the official results of the election, demonstrating a commitment to democratic principles and rule of law.

Electoral processes in all countries undergo reform and improvements. The Haitian electorate should regard the 2010 first round as another step in the democratic development of the country as it seeks to fulfill the constitutional principle of a "socially just, economically free, and politically independent Haitian nation."