Friday, October 10, 2008

Rotronics Logistics Treiber

Is not the DRS that protects our country from predators?

But really, what is the DRS? It tells us things as before, we spoke of Ghoul, this legendary monster of our childhood deprived of entertainment. The most enlightened of us knew he did not exist, but its spectrum does not leave us.
Speaking of DRS, I who burned his fire, he did not, in a sense, doing a good job in its investigations across borders, making the happiness of our country, told me day, a friend, he too has not escaped its horrors? Between us, "he said, he did not contribute to protecting our country from the hands of foreign enemies proved dangerous zealots? But damn! What would it be that without this DRS Algeria during these ten years of embers? Always between us, you who seem to be aware, Algeria would not it, purely and simply, occupied by the U.S. with the complicity of France and the EU itself? Or are you going to tell me she was already through their economic presence in disguise! I do know that the dirty work which is reserved and has assumed wonderfully, is not the worst, because Algeria avoided the Iraqisation and implosion of the nation. Fortunately, with this financial upturn by the jealous and still do, Algeria is finally out of the woods, and we just have to be happy even if we continue to live below our aspirations and even if this money would be used to protect us, is also rampant.
DRS, my friend, has certainly broken as one breaks a pitcher, but he avoided our loss and our debris protected from predators.
is right, whoever said that the SM is the strongest party and most organized of Algeria, Said Sadi, one of the pillars assimilated this DRS is still afraid, is still there to prove it! Why would he not know when it has opened its doors in brain Algerians angry but very sick to us from evil? And do not we say here and qu'Erracham Hmida Ellaâb Hmida? Which would preclude use of our crowded crates of foreign currency, and when he sings like that? He has monopolized all means and he deserves because he is alone to stand up to enemies of Algeria. Do we have to remember that oil is sold at over $ 100, while the budget of the nation apply on the basis of 19, in full view of everyone!
My friend, thinking himself warned, is disillusioned and says that this great country will soon have its legitimate services, skilled and dedicated to the protection of the state and citizens. "We will soon be quiet. We will have our body information attached to the police dealing with investigations and avoid the zeal of the DRS. Forgot to pick up and respect the institutional life, do not Algeria, a people less well organized, supervised by people who forget their daily worries! Where is this people? And colonized with blindness, he is indifferent. It is broken, scattered, spiteful against yourself and ready, not to revolt but to explode to finish in the dumps of history. It is the image I have of my country at this time.
Also, is it true, the DRS is not as dangerous as people imagine. It is just what it should be, its elements can exploit our paranoia to the point of us believe that we are controlled even in our sleep and our privacy. Everyone or almost believed that the Ghoul is everywhere and it is inevitable. An image that comes to clean it easily with trauma injected into our heads during these years of embers after making us believe that there is no soul and not infiltrated by an uncontaminated ghoulisme of our own.
This image, we must tear down, "he said! We often forget that this is impossible, as everyone does things his way, knowing that "the wolf eats the sheep isolated"?! An image paranoid also rooted in our blood, even if we can afford to demolish it, how will we be without prejudice to the institution, at least in its strong side, which is essential to protecting our country? How to distinguish between good and essential part of the DRS and its bad side that corrodes our society. I say this and I remember I'm in Algeria.
It's true that denial and refusal to bend despite setbacks, things will change sooner or later. But how to produce this effect in people traumatized in any way? As an example, I quoted the Emir Abdelkader who eventually go on seeing the French cowardice and betrayal, but he remained a benchmark that has other shares after him, who also had their failures and frustrations. This was the case of a great man facing an enemy out that everyone knew, including traitors. But in our case, it's me against my brother and we both say "La ilaha ill Allah"! The
task is far from easy, at that time the fight should be absolutely peaceful and on one side; side Abel! And "Being a sheep in the flock," is willing to be led meekly to slaughter a day of joy or grief.
Everything I just said, I made public in a discussion forum, without paying attention to prying eyes. Like echo, I received, among others, an anonymous message accusing me of playing the innocent, while, myself, I'd be an agent of the DRS and that everyone would know my maneuvers fooled. The shock was not to go because I was not aware that the image of an agent services, maintained by me, unfortunately, was not to be erased soon after the return of the repentant strangely vivid. Since my return from France, I noticed that paranoia has made its way into the minds that I'd almost believe related to my privacy. However, I have made no effort to heal my relationships worn by time, despite the prayers of the few people I stayed home.
It is high time to clean your dirty little name. If you, a clear conscience, you are not offended by the statements, we however, we're burning. We'll have to think about making money. Now it's serious, it is beyond the statements and should be addressed my friend, he told me a little angry after suspected my indifference.
"His name is Slimane and you know, he had just been elected mayor. With him Aziz, he was head of school. They were not alone, but it was only them, who spoke from a group of people from their tempers. You left the mosque, well-dressed gentleman with a look. You were not to please the first person, and everyone had noticed. Unfortunately, it was I who raised the storm
- I wonder how does he get away with it since is dropped and he dropped everything, I say?
- How do we use does not he, who has played on two strings? He sold all his brothers and ...
- What brothers, Aziz asks, a little surprised? And do not forget it is your fellow citizen! Especially since what you advance is serious; you have no proof ..
- That I have no proof, eh! I can even make its payroll, and I also know his supervisor ..
- You mean he really worked with the DM, X questions?
- While there, replica Slimane surprised! If you ignore this, you are not aware of anything. In fact, I knew I did recently; the man and indeed an officer of the MS. He entered four years of service in France and now he carries the team Bouira. It Mouloud himself who told me and I saw him many times ...
I was there listening and he seemed very sure of himself, since he bet to give us as evidence, record your own ... Aziz went further by betting ten million if he brought this evidence.
I listened, thinking that no sooner than the day before, we made coffee together and we discussed the problems he would face in his commune always down!
- Finally, you have no time to lose; you'll have to satisfy us and show us what you're capable of. But damn! You collaborate with DRS or not? If yes, tell, you are free. Otherwise, you'd better worry handwashing.
This question as stupid, and as commonplace as degrading, not to leave me alone. It took me some time wondering whether to grant any interest, having no need to reply. What is wrong if you think I work with the security of my country? But finally, what is it that the DRS, except as I said before, without really thinking, the bulwark of a thousand and one in Algeria predators? Now I'll have to make me a particular occupation. In the meantime, I have a clear answer to the question: NO, I'M NOT DONE TO BE OF SERVICE TO SIR, EVEN IF I WANTED; Incompatibility in mood or temperament REQUIRED. INTELLIGENT BEING THERE, THE GHOUL IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR ME m'amadouer caresses. HOWEVER, IT HAS SUCCEEDED IN WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME, THANKS TO MY FRIENDS WRONG, I DO NOT WORK ANYMORE!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Green Green 13uncensored

الشعب الجزائري: هل له قابلية للاستعمار?

كريم طابو على آثار معطوب الوناس ..

كريم Tabou, a gentleman showed more than once, it was good measure. A young age, can be described as a veteran politician. Recent interventions have shown beyond a doubt, its potential in understanding the issues related to Governance and conduct of the affairs of its people. It is seldom we find man like him in the corridors of the tribes without hybridize by the system. Able to cover the shadow leader of the Socialist Forces and this is what explains the desperate opponents Against him these days. Strangely, whenever a man is willing to assume responsibilities, bristled at close to him and found him a thousand excuses for Trkiah, belittle. The strangest thing is that is that this happens Alovvs in the ranks, which was supposed to be a bag cautious because of its location which is not an enviable between the local wolves.
The official said Alovvs reflects the truly rotten political situation In Algeria. System and with the blessing of the parties, "antenna" plus Al Saadi, he said, "is currently being internal elections to choose the next president, surpassing the logic of trying to Beauty elections To the logic of''Dzu with them''. The contemporary Algerian people has been broken - the annexation Kef - also breaks the pitcher and cracked and became susceptible to a policy of "Dzu with them," There is no doubt that it will be faithful in the months Years and the midwife. And why not, who, after years of hot, tormented and burnt from all sides and found that the fire regime is more merciful in the end. System has the life and death and has And bread stick. The Elvis and Alovvs and other Alsnaver, there have only tears and pain surgeon, and the people of them were full. In contrast to the policy of "Dzu with them" can not help but say that the highest Voice: Vaqo, Rome was standing with. Um Ali Belhadj, Karim Tabou and others, Itbtaboa ..
To say that "the system has succeeded in mobilizing public opinion and the press and the political class on the subject of amendment The Constitution, "This nonsense does not make sense, if we know that Algeria is free from all these people. Do not press and political class, nor shall they grieve us .. it is where public opinion? Mr. Tabou itself confirms In saying: "These have nothing to do with the file and can not influence it." The "real system remains hidden in the dark," he said.

It is like what Mr. Tabou "Adjustment Constitution embodiment of the system I can not tell mine, because the property with its own rules, but a contempt for the people, and can not even described the rules of the individual, because I do not think that Bouteflika's authority Real. "He also said his system Ait Mnqlat," Ogim Oornsara Agim. "I do not agree with Tabou went with him to" This system arrived to the final exclusion of citizens from the political game. " People are not a narrative but the maximum itself after that he was willing, individually and collectively, of loyalty, dependence and submission. There is an express our true for this situation frustrating: "The boy said Regret for his father: Father, I have beat us ".
replied the father Arif helpless:" E. Brown, beat us because they know us .. "
Itmawa not to exclude the true representatives of the people but After that knew them and studied the tendencies and inclinations, so they had what they want to wake up when the aggrieved people of deep slumber.
As for the third term or the fifty-fourth or second And sixty, not harm us in something as long as the rules of governance the same. The tragedy of Algeria does not lie in people as long as the Algerians think the mentality of revolutionary legitimacy and acquiesce to Svahtha. As long as the generation of the war of liberation in life, you will not list for Algeria. So that the accounts are all fake. Any wrong to put the issue will inevitably lead to erroneous results. In this atmosphere, foggy, not Can be resolved things can not improve the selection. Especially those who give us do not go out from the logic of militancy. All of them, whether it is better to stay on who is in the field and Erkpna As he pleases. We can see the Carnival Moussa Touati, Said Sadi, and Louisa Hanoune, and Royal and others.
of this section, the President Ouyahia not to blame, because it is playing its role fully and explicitly as announced. , And then impose that logic, we must find a man for each task and that was dirty. This man is noise all the tasks as he said himself. They are the fittest of all Algerians to devote to the task of this system, Mug a must to continue to march toward the unknown.
The question: "Do you organize elections results already settled in the interest of the system that tries to give any electoral process that the maximum Of credibility? "I personally, answer yes. First, it does not care about something called credibility. For if he were saying:" Ayeshny day and kill me incapacitated. "Then he does not care a pragmatic system, only the numbers Which will be announced after the Carnival, which will be corroborated so-called international community, who prefers a system dependent on a system is known as a popular components. The political morality Aftz then to hell with it, Especially as we are in a special situation, we must not forget.
say these words and ideas Tdgdegni suggest some optimism. It is said that this system completely devoid of men do not seek to change As we dream it? It is said that President Bouteflika will not give up power voluntarily contributes, including superlative facts and in the establishment of a fair verdict? It is said that none of the decisions of the wish to be The elections this time, an example of integrity and purity to emerge from the real power stems from the popular will will get our respect? Let me dream, though I am sure that our people are still unaware of What he wants. Congratulations to the Mafia, wherever they age because their time and opinion is their opinion and Algeria is now rich.
nor can we "Mahkorin" But we put our eyes and ears in their service Venhdhirhm From a flood sweeping the marks in sight. O people, that the roof of the hay and the heat is intense, and smoking is not prohibited. So beware of Fire Hall:
are filling the world says beware *** Beware of Btci and Vtki
not deceive thee me smile **** Saying funny and act Mbeki
and conclude with the advice, I would ask Mr. Tabou and his ilk, to let me out: Give back the reading of history Algerian monument Makratkm put us and the famous proverb that says: Thikhsai Vemamnis Itsingan.

Eid Duane

Friday, October 3, 2008

Logitech Mouse Hack No Dongle

كريم طابو على آثار معطوب الوناس ..

Karim Tabou, on the effects of damaged Lounes ..
Mr. Karim Tabou, a gentleman could be described as the veteran politician to his young age. Through the recent interventions showed its potential in understanding the issues related to governance and conduct of people. A young man rarely find Like him in the corridors of the tribes without hybridize by the system. Able to cover the shadow leader of the Socialist Forces and this is what explains the desperate forces of his opponents against him these days. Strangely whenever there was a man Stands ready to assume responsibilities, bristled at close to him and found him a thousand excuses for Trkiah, belittle. The strangest thing is that is that this happens in the ranks of Alovvs who was supposed to be Bag cautious because of its location which is not an enviable among wolves local .
The official said Alovvs reflects the truly rotten political situation in Algeria. Yes, the system and with the blessing of Parties, "antenna" plus Al Saadi, "being an internal election is to choose the next president authority over the logic of trying to elections to the logic of Beauty''Dzu with them''. The contemporary Algerian people has been broken It also breaks the pitcher and cracked and became susceptible to a policy of "Dzu with them," There is no doubt that it would be true in the coming months. And why not, who, after Embers years, suffered a two and burnt from all sides and found that the fire regime is more merciful in the end. System have a life and death and have a stick of bread. The Elvis and Alovvs and Alsnaver Other do not have pain but tears and wounds. In contrast to the policy of "Dzu with them," Here is shown saying: Vaqo, with lower standing. And Ali Belhadj, Karim Tabou Itbtaboa ..
To say that "the system Succeeded in mobilizing public opinion and the press and the political class on the subject of amending the constitution ", it is meaningless if we know that Algeria is devoid of all of them. Do we have public opinion and the press And a political class? Mr. Tabou himself confirms this in saying: "These have nothing to do with the file and can not influence it." The "real system remains hidden in the dark."

It is like What Mr. Tabou "The amendment of the Constitution an embodiment of the system I can not tell mine, because the property with its own rules, but a contempt for the people, and can not even described the rules of the individual, because I I do not think that Bouteflika's real power. "System is also said of him Ait Mnqlat: Ogim Oornsara Agim. Tabufema beg, but I went to him," This system arrived to the final exclusion of citizens Of the political game. "That is the people who most the same after that he was willing, individually and collectively, of loyalty, dependence and bowing. There is such as we reflect on this situation frustrating: "The boy said Mtosva: Father, beat us" .. Replied the father, such as his command to Arif Globe: "Son, they know us .." Did not tell their citizens only after they have studied the tendencies and inclinations, was Them what they want until the people wake up from deep slumber.
As for the third term or fourth session, do not harm us in something as long as the rules of governance on the same. The tragedy of Algeria does not lie in changing the people, particularly before the departure of a generation war of liberation. All of them, whether it is better to stay on who is in the field and Erkpna as he pleases. We can see Moses Carnival Touati, Said Sadi, and Louisa Hanoune, and Royal and others. Of this section Ouyahia president may not be blamed. It is playing its role fully and explicitly as announced. Then is it not logical to create an Algerian Fit for each task no matter how intense Qmartha? A man of all the tasks as he said himself, the fittest to devote to the task of this system is not a necessary evil to continue its march toward the unknown.
The question: "Do you organize elections results already settled in the interest of the system that tries to give any electoral process maximum credibility?" I personally answer is yes. First, it does not care Something called credibility. Velsan if he were saying: "Kill me Ayeshny today and tomorrow." It is a system and a pragmatic interest to the numbers that will be announced after the Carnival and will recommend it called upon the international community Who prefers a system dependent on a system is known as a popular components. The political morality Aftz then to hell with it, especially as we are in a special case and should not be forgotten.
I say this Tdgdegni ideas and to suggest some optimism. It is said that this system completely devoid of men do not seek to change as we miss him? It is said that President Bouteflika will not give up Government voluntarily contributes, including superlative facts and in the establishment of a fair verdict? It is said that one of the rapporteurs of the wishes that the election this time is an example of integrity and purity to emerge from the power Stems from the real will of the popular will get our respect and our destiny? Let me dream if I am convinced that our people are still unaware of what he wants. Congratulations to the Mafia, wherever they age because their time Opinion and their opinion and Algeria is now rich.
However, we can not we "Mahkorin" But we put our eyes and ears in their service Venhdhirhm from a flood sweeping the signs on the horizon promising. Valsagaf Of hay fever and severe and smoking is not prohibited. Here, I remember the words of the poet:
says is the minimum to fill the *** Beware of Btci and Vtki
not deceive thee me smile **** Saying funny and action Mbeki
and conclude with the advice we give to Mr. Tabou and his ilk to re-read some of what they know about Algerian history and remember the famous proverb, and we have that: Thikhsai Vemamnis إتسينغان.
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