Source: / Normand Lester's column , Monday, February 14, 2011 by Normand Lester
What happened in Egypt is disappointing the Black Bloc and all other organizations, anarchist or not, usually dominated by young men who dream of overthrowing the government by mob violence. Violence, "said Marx, is the midwife of history. This is not necessarily true.
The magnificent Egyptian people managed to get rid of Mubarak in demonstrating peacefully for 18 days and refusing to respond to attacks by agents provocateurs who wanted the plan to push into the spiral of violence and retaliation. The extraordinary discipline of the Egyptians has something to drool all the rage thugs on the planet. It even has admirable people had a sense of civic clean Tahrir Square after triumphing regime. Imagine similar events in Canada, the United States or Europe. The cloud of political psychopaths who would hit the peaceful crowd, which would have immediately put to any break, smash and burn.
We talked about Facebook and Twitter revolution, but we should attribute her victory to the Internet and global television coverage live. Difficult to massacre thousands of demonstrators in front of cameras all over the world that broadcast events in real time 24 / 7. Chinese authorities still bear the indignity repression of Tiananmen Square in 1989. And that was just the beginning of the digital age and the virtual global village. The Russian revolution of 1991 that ousted the Communist Party from power in Russia and reported the collapse of the Soviet empire was also held without much bloodshed. Again, the worldwide media coverage has been for nothing. Russian generals have refused to pull their people live on television.
And since these events, internet, cell phones, video and network television news continues to be added to the variety of ways to fight against repression.
Revolution of January 25 will likely be emulated. Virtually all the leaders of Arab League countries deserve the fate of Mubarak. Israel is also directly threatened. The Palestinian people seems destined to follow the example of his Egyptian brothers to hunt the West Bank the despotic regime of Mahmoud Abbas sold to Israelis and Americans and to put the bearded Hamas idiots, head first, into the dustbin of Gaza.
It is difficult to see how the forces of repression could crush Israel in the blood, intifada "peaceful "Which would include both Israeli Arabs and Palestinians in the occupied territories. In fact, non-violent intifada is perhaps the only recourse for Palestinians. Automatic weapons massacred thousands of unarmed demonstrators live with the world watching, it's messy. Firing rockets from helicopters on defenseless young men sitting in the street is rather inelegant and unpleasant pictures it looks on television at dinner time.
yet 15 years ago this would have been possible while the big U.S. media in the pocket of the Israel Lobby dominated the global TV offering. It is no longer the case. Now the Internet is universal eye plus hundreds of millions of video cell phones. CNN, the spokesman of U.S. State Department and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is decommissioned. The world prefers the BBC and particularly for information on the Middle East, the Qatari Al-Jazerra. His brave journalists risked their lives to bear witness to war crimes and crimes against humanity, whether committed by tyrants Muslims, Americans or Israelis. But testimony by the image of crime does the trick for everyone. Up recently the Israeli lobby had succeeded in banning the chain in Canada.
Oppressed by all countries, assemble peacefully and do all together, millions of television arm of honor to those who oppress you. You have a good chance of having to wear.
What happened in Egypt is disappointing the Black Bloc and all other organizations, anarchist or not, usually dominated by young men who dream of overthrowing the government by mob violence. Violence, "said Marx, is the midwife of history. This is not necessarily true.
The magnificent Egyptian people managed to get rid of Mubarak in demonstrating peacefully for 18 days and refusing to respond to attacks by agents provocateurs who wanted the plan to push into the spiral of violence and retaliation. The extraordinary discipline of the Egyptians has something to drool all the rage thugs on the planet. It even has admirable people had a sense of civic clean Tahrir Square after triumphing regime. Imagine similar events in Canada, the United States or Europe. The cloud of political psychopaths who would hit the peaceful crowd, which would have immediately put to any break, smash and burn.
We talked about Facebook and Twitter revolution, but we should attribute her victory to the Internet and global television coverage live. Difficult to massacre thousands of demonstrators in front of cameras all over the world that broadcast events in real time 24 / 7. Chinese authorities still bear the indignity repression of Tiananmen Square in 1989. And that was just the beginning of the digital age and the virtual global village. The Russian revolution of 1991 that ousted the Communist Party from power in Russia and reported the collapse of the Soviet empire was also held without much bloodshed. Again, the worldwide media coverage has been for nothing. Russian generals have refused to pull their people live on television.
And since these events, internet, cell phones, video and network television news continues to be added to the variety of ways to fight against repression.
Revolution of January 25 will likely be emulated. Virtually all the leaders of Arab League countries deserve the fate of Mubarak. Israel is also directly threatened. The Palestinian people seems destined to follow the example of his Egyptian brothers to hunt the West Bank the despotic regime of Mahmoud Abbas sold to Israelis and Americans and to put the bearded Hamas idiots, head first, into the dustbin of Gaza.
It is difficult to see how the forces of repression could crush Israel in the blood, intifada "peaceful "Which would include both Israeli Arabs and Palestinians in the occupied territories. In fact, non-violent intifada is perhaps the only recourse for Palestinians. Automatic weapons massacred thousands of unarmed demonstrators live with the world watching, it's messy. Firing rockets from helicopters on defenseless young men sitting in the street is rather inelegant and unpleasant pictures it looks on television at dinner time.
yet 15 years ago this would have been possible while the big U.S. media in the pocket of the Israel Lobby dominated the global TV offering. It is no longer the case. Now the Internet is universal eye plus hundreds of millions of video cell phones. CNN, the spokesman of U.S. State Department and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is decommissioned. The world prefers the BBC and particularly for information on the Middle East, the Qatari Al-Jazerra. His brave journalists risked their lives to bear witness to war crimes and crimes against humanity, whether committed by tyrants Muslims, Americans or Israelis. But testimony by the image of crime does the trick for everyone. Up recently the Israeli lobby had succeeded in banning the chain in Canada.
Oppressed by all countries, assemble peacefully and do all together, millions of television arm of honor to those who oppress you. You have a good chance of having to wear.
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