Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Youpor De Chinas En La Playa

Algeria: harragas are they doing?

"We can not identify the reasons why young people to go elsewhere! An abomination of the mouth of a minister. This is Mr. Belaiz minister of justice of a great country like Algeria, which responds to questions from senators. This odious phrase supported by a more or less shocking, I recalled all the misfortunes which we live and spent all my hard-lived, but who did and who will school my children. Strangely, this time I got too scared, so as usual I was always ready to cross the ocean of fear.

Indeed, I have always defied the fear that has always existed in my life. I spent a long time, and consciously, a strong advocate in the FIS, knowing that I was aware that he was a party full of hackers, and I say now, I therefore, like thousands of sincere militants for the "save" the hands of manufacturers of intrigue. I could not find it scary, but fun and interesting. As a result, I have been elected and taken by force of circumstance, to serve as President of the unfortunate social and cultural committee in the WPA Bouira which then was a bomb. But it was not to say that I should be afraid or bend; For me, fear had no meaning, thinking logically and predictably to all that happen to me. Then it was in a spirit of going to war that I serve as the middle of a minefield, because in addition to the duty of the Opposition, I had to be vigilant even within the team to which I belonged. But as I loved what I did and I love my country, I could not doubt my sincerity, and was not afraid to dress me. Arrests, arrests, threats and all forms persecution, up to my incarceration, had not strength enough to scare me. It was said of me that I had nerves of steel and I laughed because in doing, I knew I was a weak man, like all those Algerians who knew that it was attacking the power play with fire! So fearless, I said and did what I thought was righteousness and loyalty in a climate of fear and terror. And that was my fault, because the fear was everywhere when I saw only the white doves.
Subsequently, he had me wait, was not to get happiness and yet it gave me to brave Fear became so visible that the number of true and false existing dams on our roads. Finally, a logical follow me aside, making me a guinea pig for all; detentions, deprivation, persecution and harassment on the menu, ending at the bottom of the misfortune of exile in a country mix of freedom, where fear continued play to the audience.
is back in my country, believing in the promises of the Jackal, which I really started getting scared but I did everything to not show it. And slowly, unwittingly, the fear is gaining ground and into my bizarre world to become myself a ball of fear.
Two things, rather two statements make me say today:
One is that Mr. Blaize, Minister of Justice by answering a question on harragas, admitting that: "The Interministerial Commission for several months working on the case n has not really led to identify the real causes that led to this phenomenon!
What about reading the comments as outrageous? What I'm afraid that's all! The second statement comes from Abdelaziz Belkhadem former head of government, not without cause us, by making gratuitous humor: "If there are quick fixes for harragas we are takers! That
Prime Minister to answer that way, it is necessary to be afraid! Anyway I am really scared me and I think I am right and that I must hide until things change!
Otherwise, what about these two constituents I find neither humane or politically correct kind?
At first, I would say simply: If you really want to know why these kids want to go somewhere else, give yourself the time to watch television channels in the world and see what is missing from the Algerians, except the well-being, communication and respect! In addition, our youth are not stupid not to know that their country has an oil bonanza that far exceeds, 34 million, while only one dollar per head, enough to live indecently! Also, do they know full well that Algeria is a country gas, rich in all kinds of raw materials and measures exactly: 2,381,741 km2; word of a teacher, harrag to boot! What these young people would also like to know is where does all their money, since it's their money it is and why you and your children have everything, and THEY did NOTHING? And as the only answer to this is their minds that the money in question is elsewhere, they do not hesitate to pick him up! Now, what we wanted and it is a response to M Belkhadem: Make them a dollar each per day, and presto, they will not go anywhere else, even if you continue to steal their money. As for the magic bullet, it does not. However, there are solutions, period: That the more than fifty years leave power!
Finally, I must say that harragas are not only fools, they are idiots!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Nippels From Favor Of Love

إسرائيل لا بد أن تزول ..

إسرائيل لا بد أن تزول .

يقول أهل رياضة Account: "The more disservice put the problem, solutions were wrong." Such as is true in the case of Palestine, which put abused from the outset a desire to blur the truth. It is the issue of Jerusalem at the first Qiblah Muslims. And Jerusalem is part of faith. What should have been allowed the Jews to enter it or to make prevail the noblest of its people shame. As has happened, and malicious methods that we know each other And most do not know, now they are wreaking havoc in Hnayaha time and assures us that the Jews are the Jews and they will not be satisfied us until we follow their religion, not happy with the solution outside the "Jewish State" Working to end our presence, now, not only left us a single solution and a final, settled the world: should not be increased or decreased by the elimination of Israel to exist, even if that leads to loss of life, If it requires a thousand years.
has now been confirmed that Israel would not rest as long as we adhere to Islam. It, including the remnants of the Holocaust Twmh hate - Ttoadna imagined that it will gain us. As for us we are still dreaming of peace, without war, ride, Mstosudain to each other, in front of our enemies Naamat; tough on our merciful between us and the murderers of our children and our women. We neglect the duty of Jihad I greet you humiliated us proud that after God in Islam. Vogrb Us grandsons of "the best nation on earth" has become the vast majority of us ordered the wrong, and He forbids all known. See and hear from Jerusalem trampled and our brothers In all parts of the world, killed and displaced in mobility for us, but rejoice and have fun and Nlht behind pleasures, forgetting, or forgetting the duty to liberate our territories.
There is no Muslim died and did not strain himself in order to Jerusalem, Palestine, died on the hair of hypocrisy closer to a fire. No Muslim has the ability to extinguish the spirit of the Jew in Palestine (not outside) and did not do, was a partner in corruption, which spreads The Zionist entity. It enabled him to God for the Jew in the land of Palestine, then intact or deal with him or Haddenh was a hypocrite. And anyone who bears witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, that works Hard in order to clear the entity of Israel - not Jews - from the face of the earth. The wipe Israel off the map does not require more than the province overall real, ie, cut off all what gives life to Zionism At all levels, including the province of states and groups that deal with it.
The removal of Israel from the map has become possible is called for in the inevitable ideological texts And Disclaimer of Muslims after the weakness of their faith after years of tyranny practiced by the Western world that our nation's transplant in us and on our heads from discouraging and debilitating of our hands. It is now a duty We must all work together or individually to achieve this ultimate goal, which leads our attention. Must be put out of life, even a single Jew living in Palestine and in support of Zionism. It could not hand Then with his tongue and not his heart.
Here I am, a few Hillete and could not work up the courage, I invite everyone to wipe Israel out of existence by all available means, including murder, displacement and all And violent means possible. Such talk is not new; It is applicable in the veins of millions of people since the time of Moses, peace be upon him. I am in this place, I salute the declaration was, and still among the Dreams of mankind. The Zionist entity and B was created by malicious hands in the darkness of ignorance suffered by the Muslim Ummah. Objectives of information has been verified by a lot. But now, it has still dark and shone Sun of truth, it was left to us that Nuari false slogans invented by the Western world and Ahtdhanaha and our work on the dissemination of fear or desire. As I said earlier, we are a people brought up to hate Jews live today and we wish them the worst of all evil. We have wasted time and effort could make invaluable in response to those who accuse us of hatred of Jews, a fact that can not be concealed, with the knowledge that there is no Our fault in it. The Koran is the one who ordered us out in that text does not allow any interpretation. We have in the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him a good example, which says: "The time will not until the Muslims fight the Jews, Propounds the trees, and stone: "O Muslim, the Jew behind me, come and kill him .." speech Hfeznah young, repeat it in our gut without Alantona, although it is known to especially our enemies. The demise of the Israeli entity Presence of part of our thinking, our culture and we believe in the inevitability, not just out of hatred between us, but we are a necessity dictated by the law of survival. The Islamic nation can not afford Spot or area in the middle and, seeking to religion other than Islam, not to mention the state does not know not to live on our pain and our grief. It is unreasonable to taste happiness, peace and security, and in our body disease Iwanna And paralyzes the part of us. This entity should be eliminated, not only because he was Jewish alien to us, but because it is a foreign object impedes the lives of all the Islamic body. And logic says that all the foreign body must be removed in the case of An interrupted life. The question remains: Why should we do to achieve the final solution? The answer is we Algerians of all human beings know the secrets of colonialism, which lasted in our 132 years. Ejrebnah and we knew the right knowledge, and so we, in what period of time, Tmena in fairness and we almost accept integration in pursuit of equality put forward by us, Vdhanna it can change the Treacherous nature. But colonialism is colonialism; in the end, fought against Oghebrnah to leave and did not end the matter. We know that independence will not be followed by Paradise and our brothers Sismeonna some of the misery, but we accepted. A summary of what I want to say that the Jewish colonization does not differ from that of French colonialism. And Jews are not considered to be of the sons of Adam and they have Right to life, even in death just like us. Them all the rights of human beings, like the others. But they, like all human beings, to commit themselves to their homeland as they have to leave us alone, It is each and every one to where we came to this time, are determined to drive them out, even if it lasted a thousand years. The dream of happiness as long as one inch of Palestine colonized, it is haram and forbidden us Them, even if it remains just an idea of this project. It is suspected of Muslims in this solution, I invite him to read the history and refer to the decision of the Prophet peace be upon him on the Kinka of Beni, Beni Nadeer and Quraizah. As for the real-time, everyone prays to read the following Algerian rare, perhaps within them a kind of resolved to the satisfaction Mhzumina: "Fox went out on the night of nights, he wants Sidon. While he also heard the sound of chickens and approached him until he saw behind the fence impregnable, so he went looking for an outlet to give him a ride. Since it is unable to enter the tail Left and driven in order to intimidate him and said, famously: Thus, at least, do not lie ".. so we must deal with the Jews after the Holocaust of Gaza. Modern measurement and the rest of the talk .. Regards.
Eid Duane Algerian