Thursday, January 27, 2011

When Does Water Retention Go Away After Birth?


By Gerard Bissainthe, January 27, 2011

I loved the text below Below "J'accuse" by Odette Roy Fombrun. Especially admire the fact that she wrote: "It no longer interests me to judge Jean-Claude Duvalier." I remember in this connection that our politicians jérémienne whose family had been cruelly hit by the repression of the dictatorship, had entrusted his mother's deathbed request to pardon him. He too was not interested in claiming judgments, especially when the horde of rampaging lynch mob could recognize, sometimes to the forefront, a large number of former riders of the dictatorship. I did not mention the name of this politician, I leave it to him to do as it sees fit. The brave are not vengeful: they want justice, not revenge. They neither exalted nor practiced the "Father Lebrun. Only cowards and mercenaries have. Some have already asked forgiveness for their deviations. Others not. Shame on them!
Odette Roy Fombrun
was, and I quote "returned home in 1986, my lungs full of hope, with a big dream." It was the time of the fervor of the exiles-I were back in my banishment, who returned to their homeland imagining that a page had to close and a new page was written. There was never nothing. I called this period "the Great Illusion." We never saw that blue. It took me a long time to understand what had happened. That is why I would, but I can not follow Odette Fombrun in the choices she made in this sentence: "Instead of Jean Claude Duvalier'accabler, which does not detract from the horror of the crimes committed under his government, I choose to acknowledge the post-Duvalier. " My reason is simple: there has never been a post-Duvalier. And that's the bottom of the "Grand Illusion". Before and after Duvalier's the same meal. Before, hours of paroxysmal excitement, we talked a Himalaya of corpses. " After, hours of paroxysmal excitement, we want to "smell the burning flesh throughout the territory of the Republic". "Ejusdem farinae", in the same meal.

We're not out of hostel.
we ever get out?

Not if we keep the "baby talk" that revolve around the validity or invalidity of the election that a tribe of monkeys would not.

Yes as adults if we demand an overhaul of the Constitution BEFORE GOING TO NEW ELECTIONS WHICH WILL THIS TIME, INCLUDE THE DIASPORA. For is the only way of salvation.

Since babies want to continue to play, we must, more and more war weary, leave the care of their babysitter who apparently loved the name MINUSTAH. At least a degree in "Early Childhood Education," no one should or should no longer force his talent to try to bring order in the kindergarten disoriented leaders who continue to dream of mort. The future of Haiti can be prepared between adults on parallel tracks, especially those of education, provided we, Haitians, we have or rather we to take the initiative of operations.

If "Konbitisme" which is a track that could have saved is not (yet?) Past, he has helped lay the groundwork for useful revival. The Sowers are not always the Reapers.

The watchword today is: OUT OF THE GREAT ILLUSION.

I wrote in 1990 in my booklet "The Challenge of Enlightened" Every nation must have his personal affairs, which the others are not involved. Haiti is the only nation who pees in front of everyone. U.S. dad and mom are always there for France to change our diapers. "

must end, is back on track.

We can, yes, certainly, with a "national Kombit. And this "national Kombit" is, among others, a brother abroad resistant too, that during and after the Second World War had in mind and understand that in these difficult times, we must rebuild our ruins We had better listen. I always liked these lines of Aragon

"When the corn is in the hail, which made the Mad
Fool who thinks his quarrels
At the heart of the common struggle."


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