NDCDP-Politics .- We have been informed of the existence of this Article by Mr Jean-Robert Boulin who read yesterday and today in his morning show on CPAM 1610 in Montreal.
By Ray Killick
Source: haitination.com , Monday, January 10, 2011 4:41 p.m.
Etendard an ideal can be too large to inheritance, the promise of a new world order in full colonial order, the young republic of Haiti in 1804 exists today in name only. Far from strengthening empowerment through critical mass, the fragile agreement in the cradle of the Republican dream failed to feed the almost irreparable crack in which consciousness and the collective subconscious there is actually two nations whose Haitian reports hamper any hope of remaking the state and national revival.
When a country does not manage its problems, they will contribute and grow in the socio-temporal to poison the social fabric and facilitate the imposition inadequate solutions to national crises. Foreign solutions, to boot. Desperate, the poor have no other choice but to straddle the delicate silhouette of a renewal that embraces them on casino roulette posed by elections. So when the Haitian solution?
An earthquake 8.8 on the Richter scale, a high-tech rescue of 33 miners, another earthquake of 7.1 is the opportunity to Michele Bachelet and his successor to prove to world that Chile is a country where the state is responsible and able to manage its problems. Leadership coordinates the Chilean operations reconstruction and rescue and can assess the adequate foreign assistance, together with the Chilean resources and use wisely for the national welfare. Chile is a country that respects and shows a patriotic spirit in a Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le poignant and memorable.
In our African brothers, Rwanda will prove to the world at the end of the twentieth century at the height of a fratricidal genocide, free, no glory and no winners, it is always possible to say "enough is enough, let's make peace to build a society for all.
Let's make peace for the future and work together, brothers enemies, so that we do not impose a foreign mission of stabilization and reconstruction committee at our expense. "
Two countries in South Africa, Chile and Rwanda illustrate perfectly that people who choose to take charge of their destiny can accomplish great things together to shape a quality of national life that never gets a gift, especially not the UN, OAS, or the capitalist West. By a curious path diametrically opposed visions of the Chilean and Rwandan State management, Haitian leaders, hungry for quick and illicit enrichment, these authentic-Class, bet by their behavior irresponsible government resigned is viable in perpetuity, and the U.S., EU, UN and OAS will always be present at the bedside of a country that commits suicide, a land that his own son had ceased to love. Unfortunately for us, the illusion is at its peak when speculation politicians and strategic plans native crave an international financial system exhausted and moribund supported by a political apparatus that has never stopped believing that charity begins at the West.
It is expensive foreign expertise that international aid is dependent on governments to impose who can not defend the interests of their people. Yet this path is narrow that Preval regime, opposition and much of the intelligentsia have borrowed.
not a question of Professor VS. MUSICIAN.
It does not redefine the rules of democracy when we suddenly realize that a candidate is a popular musician dubious reputation. Sweet Micky has every right to fight for that light be shed on the outcome of the election of November 28. A fiasco, which punishes failure of the International and the country should sound the alarm for the emergence of a new sense of patriotism. Need I remind that Professor Leslie Manigat much less popular than Mickey had just protested against the decision to eliminate the second round of the 2006 presidential election and the honorable professor Mirlande Manigat, elected senator, despised, in solidarity with her husband unfairly dismissed, confidence that the people had placed in it to represent?
Whatever the recommendations of experts from the OAS on the elections, it should be noted that the Haitian people are trying to look for. He always takes his misfortune to the candidate who identifies with his case by the word malice. Nobody can say that a regime will be a repeat Micky Aristide's disappointment. Nobody can say that the honorable professor disappoint the helm of affairs. It is in total blackout on the grip and dexterity of the latter to direct the national boat safely.
The real question is not Mirlande Manigat vs. Sweet Micky. The electorate has little elements of choice based on experience or Martelly Manigat at the head of a company. He has no other choice than to play roulette as always. If you love the career of university teaching and that of Madame condemns the vulgarity of the singer, the choice is clear. If cons, we find ourselves in the song of it and we do not understand the teacher, the choice is simple. And that is precisely where the shoe pinches. These candidates have not yet formulated a solution really Haiti to the Haitian crisis. That is to say that the approach is still foreign aid on which set a vision for change.
It tells us nothing about an approach that would consolidate the country's forces to:
1) Start with the challenge of rebuilding from within our means.
2) Challenging the way we interact with foreign specifying the kind of help that can supplement our resources
3) Make our foreign embassies real engine marketing and awareness for the cause of Haiti (schools, agriculture, technical, medical, etc.).
4) Rethinking the state, taxing the country
5) Insert the International on safety measures we consider necessary for a climate conducive to economic recovery
6) Already negotiate with the departure of UN MINUSTAH after the formation of a force in adequate numbers Haitian
7) Provide benefits to the Diaspora Haitian repatriation accelerated
8) Encourage the Haitian private sector to contribute to social (schools, donations of equipment, etc.).
9) etc..
as it is about a recovery in the hands of the reconstruction efforts by Haitians. Instead of enjoying the windfall from the western sky without which one is paralyzed, one must begin with a realistic vision and strategic initiatives that can make us seriously at international level. (No strategic plan of $ 100 billion please!) We can all start at once, but we can run some things that demonstrate our will and fighting spirit to get us out of this mess we are plunging natural forces and the consequences of our mistakes bicentennial.
Note that I'm not talking about the country's natural resources as some like to pretend that this would change the fate of the Haitian people is inhumane. If there is one truth in this world, it is that the riches of the subsoil creating rich families, mafias, and more poor. The gap between rich and poor is accentuated in this context. I mean rather a culture change, the timing will allow responsible management of tangible and intangible resources of Haiti.
When the hand that shapes the world had decided to launch the Group of 184 and the rebellion that Aristide was pushed to pack 29 February 2004, it was then no liberation struggle or a new social contract but rather a simple stir at the head of state. It parachuted Gerard Latortue and MINUSTAH in the decor not for a transition plan but for the quarantine of Haiti for years.
Seven years later, where are we with the stabilization? Alexandre-Latortue regime has managed the alien in the same manner as all governments of Haiti beggars did. We remember Latortue trumpeting that Canada was going to help reform the Haitian justice. He also promised
security after his trip to Montreal to urge our compatriots to return home to invest.
For lack of leadership, this plan did not create the conditions for regime change. That is why a transition plan is still an imperative at this moment of our existence as a people. When we spoke
transition in 2004, he had to ask for that transition? Transition to what? Elections in Haiti or quarantine? (Note that I refrain from repeating the "agency" because it's not about that.) Without this transition plan, friends, readers, it will just as people continue to play roulette until execution reaches the leadership helm of affairs.
One of the greatest leadership qualities is humility. The leader who possesses good listener to learn of his subordinates. And learning and he knows how to avoid the blindness that gives the power which has misled those who considered themselves as revolutionaries and Aristide great equalizer before the Lord.
Hopefully the teacher or musician, if he arrives at the helm of affairs in the next election will not have the power to blind vertigo. And he will instead seek a solution to the Haitian crisis in Haiti is to say possible in part with our resources and the redefinition of relations with the International on the question of foreign assistance.
Hopefully there is behind the campaign speech a real political will for a profound transformation of the nation, the overhaul of the state, a real transition plan.
Will and humility are the two qualities that distinguish the leadership of the fifth kind, that is to say the leadership of the highest level. It seemed to touch them in Chile in two successive occasions in 2010 and memorable.
From Chile ... a postcard Manigat and Martelly.
Power is a liability and not a divine right of inheritance. Power must be earned trust, never violated even when the leader is expected to take unpopular measures in the interest of his people.
is in the exercise of power that the leader emerges in all its fullness, its true dimensions, especially when you have to reconcile two nations sine qua non for a renaissance in Haiti.
From Rwanda ... a postcard and Manigat Martelly.
When the leader lacks the means of its policy, it must strive to lead the political means. And this may be the first hurdle for the tenant's palace collapsed if by chance he fucks the heels of a refractory introduced him to the prime minister, courtesy of a likely parliamentary majority for the party and so far does has not been questioned. This means that the position of president remains in the psyche of the Haitian political one that matters.
is why I emphasize the need for a real transition plan, rather than cosmetic as the transition Latortue Alexander scored for the pax americana.
By Ray Killick
Source: haitination.com , Monday, January 10, 2011 4:41 p.m.
Etendard an ideal can be too large to inheritance, the promise of a new world order in full colonial order, the young republic of Haiti in 1804 exists today in name only. Far from strengthening empowerment through critical mass, the fragile agreement in the cradle of the Republican dream failed to feed the almost irreparable crack in which consciousness and the collective subconscious there is actually two nations whose Haitian reports hamper any hope of remaking the state and national revival.
When a country does not manage its problems, they will contribute and grow in the socio-temporal to poison the social fabric and facilitate the imposition inadequate solutions to national crises. Foreign solutions, to boot. Desperate, the poor have no other choice but to straddle the delicate silhouette of a renewal that embraces them on casino roulette posed by elections. So when the Haitian solution?
An earthquake 8.8 on the Richter scale, a high-tech rescue of 33 miners, another earthquake of 7.1 is the opportunity to Michele Bachelet and his successor to prove to world that Chile is a country where the state is responsible and able to manage its problems. Leadership coordinates the Chilean operations reconstruction and rescue and can assess the adequate foreign assistance, together with the Chilean resources and use wisely for the national welfare. Chile is a country that respects and shows a patriotic spirit in a Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le poignant and memorable.
In our African brothers, Rwanda will prove to the world at the end of the twentieth century at the height of a fratricidal genocide, free, no glory and no winners, it is always possible to say "enough is enough, let's make peace to build a society for all.
Let's make peace for the future and work together, brothers enemies, so that we do not impose a foreign mission of stabilization and reconstruction committee at our expense. "
Two countries in South Africa, Chile and Rwanda illustrate perfectly that people who choose to take charge of their destiny can accomplish great things together to shape a quality of national life that never gets a gift, especially not the UN, OAS, or the capitalist West. By a curious path diametrically opposed visions of the Chilean and Rwandan State management, Haitian leaders, hungry for quick and illicit enrichment, these authentic-Class, bet by their behavior irresponsible government resigned is viable in perpetuity, and the U.S., EU, UN and OAS will always be present at the bedside of a country that commits suicide, a land that his own son had ceased to love. Unfortunately for us, the illusion is at its peak when speculation politicians and strategic plans native crave an international financial system exhausted and moribund supported by a political apparatus that has never stopped believing that charity begins at the West.
It is expensive foreign expertise that international aid is dependent on governments to impose who can not defend the interests of their people. Yet this path is narrow that Preval regime, opposition and much of the intelligentsia have borrowed.
not a question of Professor VS. MUSICIAN.
It does not redefine the rules of democracy when we suddenly realize that a candidate is a popular musician dubious reputation. Sweet Micky has every right to fight for that light be shed on the outcome of the election of November 28. A fiasco, which punishes failure of the International and the country should sound the alarm for the emergence of a new sense of patriotism. Need I remind that Professor Leslie Manigat much less popular than Mickey had just protested against the decision to eliminate the second round of the 2006 presidential election and the honorable professor Mirlande Manigat, elected senator, despised, in solidarity with her husband unfairly dismissed, confidence that the people had placed in it to represent?
Whatever the recommendations of experts from the OAS on the elections, it should be noted that the Haitian people are trying to look for. He always takes his misfortune to the candidate who identifies with his case by the word malice. Nobody can say that a regime will be a repeat Micky Aristide's disappointment. Nobody can say that the honorable professor disappoint the helm of affairs. It is in total blackout on the grip and dexterity of the latter to direct the national boat safely.
The real question is not Mirlande Manigat vs. Sweet Micky. The electorate has little elements of choice based on experience or Martelly Manigat at the head of a company. He has no other choice than to play roulette as always. If you love the career of university teaching and that of Madame condemns the vulgarity of the singer, the choice is clear. If cons, we find ourselves in the song of it and we do not understand the teacher, the choice is simple. And that is precisely where the shoe pinches. These candidates have not yet formulated a solution really Haiti to the Haitian crisis. That is to say that the approach is still foreign aid on which set a vision for change.
It tells us nothing about an approach that would consolidate the country's forces to:
1) Start with the challenge of rebuilding from within our means.
2) Challenging the way we interact with foreign specifying the kind of help that can supplement our resources
3) Make our foreign embassies real engine marketing and awareness for the cause of Haiti (schools, agriculture, technical, medical, etc.).
4) Rethinking the state, taxing the country
5) Insert the International on safety measures we consider necessary for a climate conducive to economic recovery
6) Already negotiate with the departure of UN MINUSTAH after the formation of a force in adequate numbers Haitian
7) Provide benefits to the Diaspora Haitian repatriation accelerated
8) Encourage the Haitian private sector to contribute to social (schools, donations of equipment, etc.).
9) etc..
as it is about a recovery in the hands of the reconstruction efforts by Haitians. Instead of enjoying the windfall from the western sky without which one is paralyzed, one must begin with a realistic vision and strategic initiatives that can make us seriously at international level. (No strategic plan of $ 100 billion please!) We can all start at once, but we can run some things that demonstrate our will and fighting spirit to get us out of this mess we are plunging natural forces and the consequences of our mistakes bicentennial.
Note that I'm not talking about the country's natural resources as some like to pretend that this would change the fate of the Haitian people is inhumane. If there is one truth in this world, it is that the riches of the subsoil creating rich families, mafias, and more poor. The gap between rich and poor is accentuated in this context. I mean rather a culture change, the timing will allow responsible management of tangible and intangible resources of Haiti.
When the hand that shapes the world had decided to launch the Group of 184 and the rebellion that Aristide was pushed to pack 29 February 2004, it was then no liberation struggle or a new social contract but rather a simple stir at the head of state. It parachuted Gerard Latortue and MINUSTAH in the decor not for a transition plan but for the quarantine of Haiti for years.
Seven years later, where are we with the stabilization? Alexandre-Latortue regime has managed the alien in the same manner as all governments of Haiti beggars did. We remember Latortue trumpeting that Canada was going to help reform the Haitian justice. He also promised
security after his trip to Montreal to urge our compatriots to return home to invest.
For lack of leadership, this plan did not create the conditions for regime change. That is why a transition plan is still an imperative at this moment of our existence as a people. When we spoke
transition in 2004, he had to ask for that transition? Transition to what? Elections in Haiti or quarantine? (Note that I refrain from repeating the "agency" because it's not about that.) Without this transition plan, friends, readers, it will just as people continue to play roulette until execution reaches the leadership helm of affairs.
One of the greatest leadership qualities is humility. The leader who possesses good listener to learn of his subordinates. And learning and he knows how to avoid the blindness that gives the power which has misled those who considered themselves as revolutionaries and Aristide great equalizer before the Lord.
Hopefully the teacher or musician, if he arrives at the helm of affairs in the next election will not have the power to blind vertigo. And he will instead seek a solution to the Haitian crisis in Haiti is to say possible in part with our resources and the redefinition of relations with the International on the question of foreign assistance.
Hopefully there is behind the campaign speech a real political will for a profound transformation of the nation, the overhaul of the state, a real transition plan.
Will and humility are the two qualities that distinguish the leadership of the fifth kind, that is to say the leadership of the highest level. It seemed to touch them in Chile in two successive occasions in 2010 and memorable.
From Chile ... a postcard Manigat and Martelly.
Power is a liability and not a divine right of inheritance. Power must be earned trust, never violated even when the leader is expected to take unpopular measures in the interest of his people.
is in the exercise of power that the leader emerges in all its fullness, its true dimensions, especially when you have to reconcile two nations sine qua non for a renaissance in Haiti.
From Rwanda ... a postcard and Manigat Martelly.
When the leader lacks the means of its policy, it must strive to lead the political means. And this may be the first hurdle for the tenant's palace collapsed if by chance he fucks the heels of a refractory introduced him to the prime minister, courtesy of a likely parliamentary majority for the party and so far does has not been questioned. This means that the position of president remains in the psyche of the Haitian political one that matters.
is why I emphasize the need for a real transition plan, rather than cosmetic as the transition Latortue Alexander scored for the pax americana.
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