Saturday, November 20, 2010

Zumba Wear Calgary Retailers

So that's something I love-love-love. I have awesome memories with my dear mother, cooked Brussels sprouts giant pullover that both of us, and the horrified gaze of my brother and my father were of course always hated the taste. The fact is that, simply cooked in water or steam, the taste of Brussels sprouts is very far (too good according to mom and me !!!). The cooking method that I propose this evening gives Brussels sprouts taste a little spicy and caramelized. Frankly it's downright delicious.

Attention caramel does not mean burnt! Caramel is brown, crisp on the outside is terribly melting inside. Pure happiness.

Basket (serves 4)

- 1 pound of Brussels sprouts
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- salt, pepper


1 / Wash cabbage, cut the tail and remove the outer leaves, which are often damaged.
2 / Cut in half and arrange in a baking dish. Drizzle with olive oil and mix in the sprouts are coated.
3 / salt and pepper and bake for 40 minutes at Gas 4.

hmmmm, hmmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmmm ...


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