Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Un Remome A Post Facebook

A dog, a Shoe and a Lion!

Bizarrent, j'ai eu presque la même impression que le 11 septembre au moment où les fameuses tours new yorkaises fumaient puis s'effondraient devant des milliards de viewers! I can not describe what I felt, but I can say that both times I had to feel the wind of immutable justice spoken of by philosophers and men of letters. Yet the first time I had no hair pulled happiness, because M George Bush was in the shelter and the victims were probably innocent. This time is different: there was only one victim guilty of addition, and it is precisely that Mr. Bush! And this time I had my bowl of happiness, the poor got what he deserves, no more: two shoes and two insults.

I saw on TV, a dog barking and it is called, I can not remember: Bosh or Little George or whatever. Anyway, it's something that means in Kabyle: Small Con, I think! In front, I saw a trailer that listens to the quiet dog barking. In her, I think I saw loose, cows and bulls. Among them, a lion like no other, he called Mountadher al-Zaidi. It is an Iraqi, I was sure. Unlike his companions, he wore two shoes in honor massive when he took the dog barked louder. He threw one to silence the boy, then another by way of farewell, singing: "It's the farewell kiss of the Iraqi people, a sort of dog. You are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iraqis! "And the caravan did not pass this time, she came out of the ordinary and silenced the dog! So Little George will leave the arena, in the eyes The image of two shoes and ears, two big words: "sort of dog" and "responsible for killing thousands of Iraqis."
So what about this lion, hero of the nation, otherwise the congratulate her shoes and her two honorable beautiful song! Bravo! As for poor little George, he can remember for ever his last visit to Baghdad and al-Zaidi Mountadher live with this memory as a hero, the rest of his life and without shedding of blood! And I remember these shoes on fire to Bush who did not fail, at least once in life, lower spine! Also, I will remember this magical chorus: "It's the kiss of farewell, a kind of dog!" To remind that "dog" in Arabic meaning, does not rhyme with fidelity but with poop! As for "shoe", it rhymes with contempt and disdain. However, I will try to forget the clash of services "from fear" Iraqi and American. Thank
Mountadher al-Zaidi for us to have refreshed the hearts, raised the head and open eyes. A Little George, I say to hell and he has humiliated, belittled and trampled. But his late career, It was a nice gift: A pair of shoes and a ditty like treatment! Laid


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