"We were sent as guinea pigs to the slaughterhouse. The state must admit its wrongs and finally acknowledge, there is a link between the diseases we suffer and our presence at nuclear sites in Algeria and in the Pacific during our military service, "complains a former French military contingent which was near the site during the explosion of nuclear device. "When I opened my eyes, I saw the mushroom cloud. Gigantic ... My friends and I have seen him disappear into the distance. I later learned that the cloud had drifted to the Algerian-Libyan border in 1000 miles Reggane, a detail ignored by the French authorities. Just as they remain silent about the plight of thousands of lives including that "the pilot of an Eagle carrying out activities this February 13 1960, sampling the atmosphere and died four months after his mission!
This is the first nuclear test "committed" by the criminal France February 13, 1960 on the set of Reggane. But what happened Feb. 13, 1992, precisely on the occasion of my birthday? That day, I stopped to live normally. A man wounded, here's what I wrote about this in a long testimony barely out
"It's the roar of the engines that we woke with a start. 03H It was the morning when the vehicle began to store near the mosque where we were cloisters for three days and four nights. Through the windows we could see the headlights, soldiers running in every direction. A few minutes were enough places to invest in a terrible silence. Under the effect of surprise, we went out one by one, without any opposition. Deeply shocked, some put their hands in the air without being asked them not! Faced with the threat of automatic weapons, insults and kicks, the hostages took refuge on military trucks! I chose to go out last in the hope of finding a trick to protest, but the stick of Dictatorship is sometimes stronger than reason. The few people who, like me, tried to complain, quickly folded orders, before the violence of our military full of hatred.
We were mobilized in the trucks as workhorses that led to the slaughter. Once installed on metal benches, the police have handcuffed two by two back to back, not without us attach to metal seats. Put me in handcuffs, I felt one of them shaking like a chicken. And curiously, I felt sorry for him!
After nearly an hour, an operation without incident, "five successful five "message transmitted by radio by a soldier, they made up two policemen armed with Kalashnikovs on each truck.
Where were we? Why at this time and we wanted to be? Nobody seemed to know the answer. Even the Rezigue captain who claimed to be my friend, I hid the truth. All the same, he had the nerve to come say hello before leaving. He promised me that I had nothing to fear, except that we were going in justice and would be released.
- "It's a matter of formality," he said to reassure me thinking. A dozen of you only, is sought by justice. "To me
reassurance, he gave me an appointment at the pharmacy where we met BK usual, for a game of scrabble, and joining a ship, without knowing it, into false hopes!
At the starting signal, prisoners, and spontaneously began to stomp their feet and hands, chanting the famous slogans against the regime. This delayed our departure for fear that we are heard by the "terrorists". The convoy was allowed to take the road in a climate of unrest. Arriving near the town of Bouira, we headed to Algiers. This is where the cries were picked up again until the entry Errich forest, not far away. As and when we went down the winding road, the silence settled heavily. Nobody has escaped the grip of fear, even those who dreamed of Jihad! The gendarmes were doubly afraid in spite of our hands are tied. They feared a "terrorist" attack, while we, we were afraid of carnage scheduled! And it is in this spirit, a crash occurred in the heart of the forest. One of the drivers lost control of his vehicle under the influence of fear, had to brake suddenly and the prisoners were thrown forward. At the same time, a shot was heard turning in the shouts thunder. Subsequently, we learned that this incident did not fail to make the effect of a legend among locals. There is even talk of a battle between a terrorist and a battalion of the army.
Originally the shot, a policeman had forgotten to secure his gun from which escaped a bullet ended up in the left arm of one of the drivers, after passing through the cabin. After a few panicked minutes we hit the road in a terrible oversight!
We reached the southern suburbs of Algiers at a time when city dwellers were heading to their places of daily occupation. These are students who have chosen, the more my attention. My heart was torn with the idea that I would not see the lecture hall for a long time and maybe forever! And it is especially the indifference of bystanders was not pleasant to see. There were some who laughed at us, we heard screaming. I will never forget this image of a group of bearded men who, while enjoying their coffee, we watched exchanging faces and showing us the finger and laughing loudly. At this very moment, I thought Hamas activists who probably were preparing the next generation. I was won by despair, and the whole earth seemed as close as the lorry that took us into the unknown. However, I managed to get rid of fear. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with incurable trauma!
Leaving the village of Constantine Guet towards Blida, I thought about the military tribunal. I think this is the time that I have chosen home in despair and have lost hope of seeing my girls. So I started to build my defense in silence as if we were in a country of law. I imagined before a military judge and I thought the story of the wolf and the lamb! What interest to look for evidence of innocence when things are already done? I was distracted by preparing my case, when the caravan left the road to an isolated field to finish in the middle of an abandoned building site! The scene looked like a mafia operation during the exchange of hostages! Except us, we had no one to defend us! And pathetically, I thought at the shooting, especially when the police descended from the truck! Today, this memory makes me laugh!
After a short wait, a young man dressed in civilian clothes came to get rid of our shackles. Gradually, as we descended trucks, we automatically put us behind each other like sheep. Yet nobody seemed to guide us. At least what I thought. In fact, there were at the front and back of the queue, two bearded officers dressed in civilian clothes.
After a course of a few tens of meters along an icy trail, we finished in a vacant lot, under an old eucalyptus. A bearded man climbed on a mound and waved us to listen. In same time, a 4x4 vehicle arrived, revealing a lieutenant-colonel, two majors and a young uniformed civilian who seemed most respected, and only giving orders. Approaching us, I thought I recognized the young captain who commanded the internment camp where I had spent six weeks last year. He looked into my eyes and I greeted him, shaking his head. Suddenly, I felt my knees weaken and then I fainted.
Later, Mustapha told me what I missed the story during my pre coma
- "It the young bearded man who hit you. You've passed out and everyone thought you played a comedy! When you are going to give first aid, the police were sorting and we returned to the trucks. We were divided into two groups: The first is directed towards the west of the city, making us think of the military court. And to make us believe the release, we removed the handcuffs and we headed back to Algiers. And here we are in the middle of a military base, he cried when the huge door opened a military aircraft!
I will never forget those moments of terror at the entrance of the giant military plane to take off. I managed with difficulty to stand up because of pain in his right hip. I had to be beaten before. The pain in my left wrist reminded me in handcuffs. And despite the massive presence of soldiers and military aircraft, I managed to bring order to my recollections. The hard
military was very shocking. You could have sworn we were on an enemy's! Caught in the trap, silence turned out our only salvation. After long moments of waiting, we are mounted on the aircraft in single file. By putting your feet in the air, I felt that I was not working! I stopped where I did not want to think about until the moment I sat on a seat in the laces. The inmates began to quietly settle their belts under the eyes of our guests happy to contribute.
To alleviate my pain and forget my troubles, I threw myself in prayer, imagining all the possible scenarios, including the crash that we Algerians are specialized. I could not help thinking of a simulated accident or deportation, as was the case for thousands of prisoners of conscience. A recall that at the time, we talked about underground prisons. And better to drive a nail, three policemen boarded and handcuffed us under the watchful eye of armed soldiers with machine guns. Once finished, the door closed and we are on a journey into the unknown!
- is the result of our naivete, MR Maci, Brahim throws me angry! And you continue to make us believe we were arrested for protecting us!
- Nevertheless, I still believe we are safe from harm. Here at least we will not be killed ..
- How do you know? But who told you that they do not we throw the plane?
- We would not be recorded! And then, why would they handcuffed?
- Poor Maci! There you are again with your philosophy! And how do you explain the presence of armed policemen in an airplane in flight?
Suddenly, the plane began to vibrate. Thinking about the conspiracy theory, I gasped for a long time. Oddly, Hamid has shown calm!
- Do not worry, he says, Russian planes are like this. It is a fauka ..
- No, corrects another is a Hercules. The Faukers not carrying passengers ..
- Neither one nor the other, comes the third is an Antonov!
The controversy is more than ever committed between those who know little and those who know nothing but pretend to know. Despite the deafening noise of the engines, they came to an agreement. We did not hide his fear of a crash program and the most optimistic thought deportation to Afghanistan, is an officer who had blown one of the detainees. After one hour of flight, the plane changed direction. One of our "experts" said, pretending to know where we were:
- We're not far from the Moroccan border, you see! They seek to cover their tracks. -We are heading towards the Adrar. It will probably land at Ain Salah!
Our "experts" then began to exhibit their knowledge of geography:
- Ain-Salah is the hottest region of the world. The temperature sometimes reaches 70 degrees in the shade, "said one of them!
- Yes, says another, it is in the middle of the Western erg where vegetation does not grow ..
- Because of Atomic Radiation, continues our geography teacher. You know that France has experienced ten nuclear bombs. I wonder why the detour?
- But it is visible, right? The sky is red, we had to avoid a sandstorm!
by listening to argue, I wondered if they were aware of what happened to them?! Even at death's door, they continue to bite!
An hour later, the aircraft entered a frightening darkness. The crossing took a few minutes and then suddenly the monster has delivered to vibrate as if we were driving along a rocky track! Strangely, the police are the first to panic! Some passengers took the opportunity to mock the laughs. That's where I got really scared. At the same time, the aircraft was losing altitude at a dizzying pace. After a while he recovered and then plunged into darkness. Everyone began to pray, including the police! This time I thought seriously about a crash simulation. Curiously, I was not afraid. At this very moment, the "passengers" have turned to our expert, questioning eyes.
- Do not panic, "he replied calmly, it's just a blip!
An air pocket! Although the answer is meaningless, it seemed to meet everyone. In fact, it has been a substantial moral support. We experienced several times this situation has trivialized by time. By the time we thought was out of danger, the aircraft recurred in his madness air holes dangerously losing altitude. At the sight of our expert scared, too, the passengers panicked and began to cry or pray.
- The Russian aircraft is to rot, "said one! They do not withstand sandstorms. Fortunately, the talented Algerian pilot!
And of course, this kind of speech soothes assistance. And even if we did not hear everything that was said, the stunned look on his face. And the scene lasted, I do not know how long, then the animal has entered a clear area and then it stabilized.
- It's stupid what I'm telling you, Mustafa tells me, but frankly, I thought it was an accident!
- I also added Brahim, they are capable of anything! Has not imprisoned thousands of citizens without trial?
To distract myself and forget my nightmare I joined the lamentations of others. We submit to God while continuing to discuss avoiding mention our future. After an hour of disruption, we finished in the middle of a huge mass of gray clouds. Suddenly, the beast Russian recovered to shake dangerously then, suddenly, she lost in sinking into a frightening shadow. After a long detour, she remade a new dizzying descent who made us think seriously about a crash. After the third test, the aircraft successfully landed, not without suffering some shock at ground contact. After a mad rush, the plane stopped. The ultimate verdict, several prisoners knelt in thanks to God.
At the opening of the gigantic door, we received a flurry of scorching sand announcing a scorching heat. The policemen left us in a hurry, then they are reassembled quickly, with a different face. While getting rid of the handcuffs, the auxiliary system we have worked hard on distributing blows indiscriminately. To escape their wrath, he had to run beyond our forces between two rows of batons. It was almost dark in broad daylight! Hot as hell accompanied by a sandstorm apocalyptic suffocated us. All around two dozen soldiers armed and masked black turbans or military green. Asking them where we were, the response was cold:
- You're in Kabul, answered with a laugh, a military color, focusing particularly serious!
I remember all my life with bitterness of those moments where we were heading us towards the north of the airfield. It was so monstrous that we had to undergo in-flight, seemed insignificant! I had trouble believing my eyes at the sight of this vast rocky plain overlooking the military base ! Instead of palm trees and sand dunes, I saw on the horizon through the clouds of dust, black ravines and hollow spaces, thinking I was in Texas as we saw in the movies! A few hundred yards ahead, a forest of barbed wire and son of the nipples of earth rose up before us. We moved in single file, when my eyes landed on a hallucinatory scene! I'm dreaming; Dozens of bearded men came to meet us, waving their hands! We were watching us in silence when the guide broke his silence:
- You wanted Afghanistan, you're there, "he said ironically!
As in the films through the camera, the picture is becoming clearer as it approaches the target. As far as we proceeded, we discovered our horrible future. Dozens then hundreds of bearded men dressed in light of Spahis left their shelters to greet us, chanting "Allah Akbar! Behind them, dozens of tents appeared hidden behind mounds that were effaced in us approaching. The place was really like at a training camp in Afghanistan! However, I have not lost my temper because I was expecting the worst.
- Where are we, asks an inmate to a stranger?
- A Reggane, answered a young boy beardless.
Before that, we hear of Reggane during the hours of Ramadan during the great heat. Everyone has their idea about this little known region of Algeria by Algerians "Reggane tray the hottest in the world, says one of our intellects." "The Triangle of Death," says another. " "Hell Tuareg" or "still, the fire in Amazigh language! The comments are going well and everyone uses his memories of school. For me, Reggane was synonymous with the atomic bomb and elevated temperature. And as if attending a course of geostrategy, I listened to a bearded explain intellectually, we were on the famous observatory where the French ran the operations of the nuclear explosion of 13 February 1960.
We were just a 13 February. Thus, this date is a symbol! To our comrade, our transfer to this site should not be a coincidence, but rather, part of the Franco-Algerian. He said it was a strong signal of the military junta to creditors? In fact, this election had nothing innocent. We realized that we were guinea pigs. This was also my first thought on hearing the name Reggane. Since then, the hatred grew me. I almost stop loving my country. Anyway, I only reserved the same place more of the past! Algeria was more to this country when I was ready to sacrifice my life with your eyes closed. The refrain assailed me to become crazy in love with war. Suddenly, I rubbed the desire to kill and wanted to get revenge! A desire that I left when I realized I did not have a determined enemy! That day, I began to know the true meaning of the dirty war.
While following the line, I searched for her, soldiers who were with us before. They are gone, after we have given to our brothers. Before we move towards our tents, they have distributed clothes "Afghan" consisting mainly of long shirts, baggy pants and khaki Spahis any leather sandals dating from the colonial era. Mine that I always include the words: 26-06-1956. And while fighting a fever, I have been guided up the tent number 87.
I settled on a camp bed with a heart emptied of worries. I kept it, anyway, just to survive. I remained as a measure of energy to think about myself. I leaned on my lot in trying to find an explanation for what had happened.
I will never forget this crucial moment when I thought switching to the afterlife. Honestly, I thought myself in, and for a long time. Then I felt in my heart, like a break for me drained of any option for life. By weariness or despair, in anger I failed in everything that declining morale had in me, including prayer. I even dared to ask me with a frightening arrogance: What was the use of faith? There, I knew I was not away from the madness! And far from wanting to kill myself, I want death? As a result, I thought God had answered my prayer by allowing me to dive into a deep sleep. So I brushed the wrath of God on 13 February 1992.
Opening her eyes, Said I found my best friend, sitting next to me. This is a person of rare kindness. We-we lost sight since the end of our studies in July 1984. His presence surprised me at the same time, she had generously relieved. To compare me to him, I felt very happy. He had just returned from Libya and the eve of his return, He was kidnapped by a group of masked individuals, after having tied up in front of her children. Then he was locked in a cave, completely naked. After three days of torture by electricity, soap and towel, he was released without any explanation did right. Released, he was awarded the following day by the police chief who did not hesitate to apologize to him. Leaving the police station he was arrested by the police and taken to the internment camp.
- "We drove twenty-four hours says he, in conditions that I would not wish for an enemy and we arrived this morning at dawn. We currently, 2750 prisoners, all from the western half of the country. "
Said did not seem worried, however. I was talking with a smile. He said we were lucky to be arrested. Was he sincere or was he looking to cheer me up? Anyway, it got me back on my feet while I was suffering! In listening, I regained strength and I got up immediately to prayer. By putting the feet apart, I almost collapsing at the sight of the horrific landscape that I should adapt now. The sun fascinated me always, was painful that night. Yet I had never seen as mighty and as close to the earth. I would have taken for a god if I did not know his history with Abraham. By making the background of a row of tents, table deserved meditation. Right and left, I saw hundreds of creatures from their corners and head towards the center where hundreds of worshipers waiting to do the bedtime prayer. My eyes froze at the sight of a long line Wait.
- And these, what they want, "I asked Said?
- They have been there for hours waiting their turns to eat. Can you imagine? A single server to thousands of people! They try to humiliate us. Finally, you will wash, then we will try our luck for a bite!
- where is the toilet, I asked!
- What my brother toilet? You're dreaming! Do as the others and hide somewhere, back there for your needs! Do not forget to bring with you enough to wipe your, there is more water! I see this
horrible humiliating scene where I tried to accept a life that was not mine. Hard, hard to see reality! Dozens of inmates were their needs outdoors. Since I was forced to leave my campaign, I was forced to see people in shameful positions. Fortunately, I still kept my peasant habits. To reach a pit half full and take shelter from view, he took me through a human forest. And place to relieve myself, I had to cut my breath, close your eyes and most importantly, be careful not to slip and end up in the shit literally, as figuratively, I was a long time! Then comes the moment when it was to pray without washing. A practical, reasonably, aberrant, if the fate of its religious context. With the little faith I had left, I tried to follow the crowd continuing to work with ideas!
After the main prayer, the imam has followed up with the disaster became commonplace for some time. He expressed his support for "mujahedin" by granting the faithful to support jihad. The director of the prayer was carried away by emotion and crying, sobbing, succeeding cry to thousands of worshipers, by evoking the atrocities of tyrants, transforming the "mosque" in the wall of lamentation.
enjoy the excitement of the priors, an individual has stood up and embarked on a scorching speech inciting rebellion. After a traditional parody, he attacked the "tyrants" with unusual virulence. He described the mood of the victims of the absolute injustice of the military by saying that if we accepted this situation because we were aware of the foreign threat. He summarized the events after interruption of the electoral process ending with an account of their interview with the military leadership. He concluded:
".. As you have noticed, dear brothers, the camp was ready for a long time. If, however, many things are lacking, such as water, food, toilets and showers, behind this lies the desire to punish us. It is clear that the military trying to humiliate us. Therefore, we must organize ourselves to show them that we can continue the fight. I suggest that each wilaya designate its representative to form a council. "
And he hands over the muezzin, quickly, calls to prayer.
- "Who is he," I asked Said? "
-" I do not know. We talked about it this morning. They say it's an ex-convict to death in the case Bouali. You saw? To avoid the discussion, they have chosen this moment, says Said! Ultimately, FLN or FIS, is the same!
In order to avoid any debate that would lead to conflict, he chose this moment between the two prayers. The faithful were at the end of their emotions and there was not enough time for discussion. Thus it was believed, would avoid the deferential that, my faith, were not negligible! In the audience there were any trends: El-DJAZAR, Essalafia jihadist Essalafia scientific Essalafia short, Ettouroukia and the list is great. Many knew nothing of it. Meanwhile, there were spies and informers. Me, I was ranked with El-DJAZAR. And since I did not know the relation of forces, I preferred to follow the herd and wait!
I could not stand up, my whole body was swarming, which is why I chose made my prayer sitting. This time, the famous Cheick Ezzawi Medea who led the prayer. By listening read the Koran, I reconnected with my old faith and I am relaxed. In contrast, younger followers began to growl at the end of prayer! By taking advantage of their burns, a young inmate stood up and addressed the audience by mimicking Ali Belhadj, even in its most vile quotes. And despite warnings of the wise, he managed to train hundreds of inmates in a walk around the bustling camp. They kept chanting the famous slogans of the FIS in insulting the symbols of the regime, namely, the generals and the new governors.
- "Nezar the tyrant you die, you die! Or "Oh Ali, Abass oh, FIS stand for ever! "
-" The king is dead, long live the king, said Said! Even in the midst of shit, for them, the FIS is standing! I wonder how could I live with these people? "
- Don 't-worry, they will soon get tired!
- You think it's all spontaneous, Said request? Months, I think rather manipulation.
- Possibly, but I do not see where is the point?
Although I am happy for the reply, in my heart, I was worried about the ease with which our ignorant react. It is true I hate indifference and apathy. But I had enough of these reactions rash that make us an easy target. The military also have not been slow to react, like kids, they immediately cut the electricity supply and have strengthened the warning, urging the demonstrators started throwing projectiles. The soldiers panicked and began shooting into the air and away from the fence. Immediately afterwards, the leaders of both parties met and agreed to resume discussions in the morning. And the light is restored, the protesters regrouped in the square reserved for prayer.
Before going to bed, I did not fail to write a few words that I can not translate now. I wrote my wish to be freed one day, not to regain my freedom and see my girls, but for my revenge! I did not know, my faith, I played the game of my critics that I do not know. Then I spent a good part of the night to review the sequence of events since the coup ... janvériste
Laïd CUSTOMS / Woe The Algerian.
http://laid-hizer-net.blogs.nouvelobs.com/ <...
This is the first nuclear test "committed" by the criminal France February 13, 1960 on the set of Reggane. But what happened Feb. 13, 1992, precisely on the occasion of my birthday? That day, I stopped to live normally. A man wounded, here's what I wrote about this in a long testimony barely out
"It's the roar of the engines that we woke with a start. 03H It was the morning when the vehicle began to store near the mosque where we were cloisters for three days and four nights. Through the windows we could see the headlights, soldiers running in every direction. A few minutes were enough places to invest in a terrible silence. Under the effect of surprise, we went out one by one, without any opposition. Deeply shocked, some put their hands in the air without being asked them not! Faced with the threat of automatic weapons, insults and kicks, the hostages took refuge on military trucks! I chose to go out last in the hope of finding a trick to protest, but the stick of Dictatorship is sometimes stronger than reason. The few people who, like me, tried to complain, quickly folded orders, before the violence of our military full of hatred.
We were mobilized in the trucks as workhorses that led to the slaughter. Once installed on metal benches, the police have handcuffed two by two back to back, not without us attach to metal seats. Put me in handcuffs, I felt one of them shaking like a chicken. And curiously, I felt sorry for him!
After nearly an hour, an operation without incident, "five successful five "message transmitted by radio by a soldier, they made up two policemen armed with Kalashnikovs on each truck.
Where were we? Why at this time and we wanted to be? Nobody seemed to know the answer. Even the Rezigue captain who claimed to be my friend, I hid the truth. All the same, he had the nerve to come say hello before leaving. He promised me that I had nothing to fear, except that we were going in justice and would be released.
- "It's a matter of formality," he said to reassure me thinking. A dozen of you only, is sought by justice. "To me
reassurance, he gave me an appointment at the pharmacy where we met BK usual, for a game of scrabble, and joining a ship, without knowing it, into false hopes!
At the starting signal, prisoners, and spontaneously began to stomp their feet and hands, chanting the famous slogans against the regime. This delayed our departure for fear that we are heard by the "terrorists". The convoy was allowed to take the road in a climate of unrest. Arriving near the town of Bouira, we headed to Algiers. This is where the cries were picked up again until the entry Errich forest, not far away. As and when we went down the winding road, the silence settled heavily. Nobody has escaped the grip of fear, even those who dreamed of Jihad! The gendarmes were doubly afraid in spite of our hands are tied. They feared a "terrorist" attack, while we, we were afraid of carnage scheduled! And it is in this spirit, a crash occurred in the heart of the forest. One of the drivers lost control of his vehicle under the influence of fear, had to brake suddenly and the prisoners were thrown forward. At the same time, a shot was heard turning in the shouts thunder. Subsequently, we learned that this incident did not fail to make the effect of a legend among locals. There is even talk of a battle between a terrorist and a battalion of the army.
Originally the shot, a policeman had forgotten to secure his gun from which escaped a bullet ended up in the left arm of one of the drivers, after passing through the cabin. After a few panicked minutes we hit the road in a terrible oversight!
We reached the southern suburbs of Algiers at a time when city dwellers were heading to their places of daily occupation. These are students who have chosen, the more my attention. My heart was torn with the idea that I would not see the lecture hall for a long time and maybe forever! And it is especially the indifference of bystanders was not pleasant to see. There were some who laughed at us, we heard screaming. I will never forget this image of a group of bearded men who, while enjoying their coffee, we watched exchanging faces and showing us the finger and laughing loudly. At this very moment, I thought Hamas activists who probably were preparing the next generation. I was won by despair, and the whole earth seemed as close as the lorry that took us into the unknown. However, I managed to get rid of fear. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with incurable trauma!
Leaving the village of Constantine Guet towards Blida, I thought about the military tribunal. I think this is the time that I have chosen home in despair and have lost hope of seeing my girls. So I started to build my defense in silence as if we were in a country of law. I imagined before a military judge and I thought the story of the wolf and the lamb! What interest to look for evidence of innocence when things are already done? I was distracted by preparing my case, when the caravan left the road to an isolated field to finish in the middle of an abandoned building site! The scene looked like a mafia operation during the exchange of hostages! Except us, we had no one to defend us! And pathetically, I thought at the shooting, especially when the police descended from the truck! Today, this memory makes me laugh!
After a short wait, a young man dressed in civilian clothes came to get rid of our shackles. Gradually, as we descended trucks, we automatically put us behind each other like sheep. Yet nobody seemed to guide us. At least what I thought. In fact, there were at the front and back of the queue, two bearded officers dressed in civilian clothes.
After a course of a few tens of meters along an icy trail, we finished in a vacant lot, under an old eucalyptus. A bearded man climbed on a mound and waved us to listen. In same time, a 4x4 vehicle arrived, revealing a lieutenant-colonel, two majors and a young uniformed civilian who seemed most respected, and only giving orders. Approaching us, I thought I recognized the young captain who commanded the internment camp where I had spent six weeks last year. He looked into my eyes and I greeted him, shaking his head. Suddenly, I felt my knees weaken and then I fainted.
Later, Mustapha told me what I missed the story during my pre coma
- "It the young bearded man who hit you. You've passed out and everyone thought you played a comedy! When you are going to give first aid, the police were sorting and we returned to the trucks. We were divided into two groups: The first is directed towards the west of the city, making us think of the military court. And to make us believe the release, we removed the handcuffs and we headed back to Algiers. And here we are in the middle of a military base, he cried when the huge door opened a military aircraft!
I will never forget those moments of terror at the entrance of the giant military plane to take off. I managed with difficulty to stand up because of pain in his right hip. I had to be beaten before. The pain in my left wrist reminded me in handcuffs. And despite the massive presence of soldiers and military aircraft, I managed to bring order to my recollections. The hard
military was very shocking. You could have sworn we were on an enemy's! Caught in the trap, silence turned out our only salvation. After long moments of waiting, we are mounted on the aircraft in single file. By putting your feet in the air, I felt that I was not working! I stopped where I did not want to think about until the moment I sat on a seat in the laces. The inmates began to quietly settle their belts under the eyes of our guests happy to contribute.
To alleviate my pain and forget my troubles, I threw myself in prayer, imagining all the possible scenarios, including the crash that we Algerians are specialized. I could not help thinking of a simulated accident or deportation, as was the case for thousands of prisoners of conscience. A recall that at the time, we talked about underground prisons. And better to drive a nail, three policemen boarded and handcuffed us under the watchful eye of armed soldiers with machine guns. Once finished, the door closed and we are on a journey into the unknown!
- is the result of our naivete, MR Maci, Brahim throws me angry! And you continue to make us believe we were arrested for protecting us!
- Nevertheless, I still believe we are safe from harm. Here at least we will not be killed ..
- How do you know? But who told you that they do not we throw the plane?
- We would not be recorded! And then, why would they handcuffed?
- Poor Maci! There you are again with your philosophy! And how do you explain the presence of armed policemen in an airplane in flight?
Suddenly, the plane began to vibrate. Thinking about the conspiracy theory, I gasped for a long time. Oddly, Hamid has shown calm!
- Do not worry, he says, Russian planes are like this. It is a fauka ..
- No, corrects another is a Hercules. The Faukers not carrying passengers ..
- Neither one nor the other, comes the third is an Antonov!
The controversy is more than ever committed between those who know little and those who know nothing but pretend to know. Despite the deafening noise of the engines, they came to an agreement. We did not hide his fear of a crash program and the most optimistic thought deportation to Afghanistan, is an officer who had blown one of the detainees. After one hour of flight, the plane changed direction. One of our "experts" said, pretending to know where we were:
- We're not far from the Moroccan border, you see! They seek to cover their tracks. -We are heading towards the Adrar. It will probably land at Ain Salah!
Our "experts" then began to exhibit their knowledge of geography:
- Ain-Salah is the hottest region of the world. The temperature sometimes reaches 70 degrees in the shade, "said one of them!
- Yes, says another, it is in the middle of the Western erg where vegetation does not grow ..
- Because of Atomic Radiation, continues our geography teacher. You know that France has experienced ten nuclear bombs. I wonder why the detour?
- But it is visible, right? The sky is red, we had to avoid a sandstorm!
by listening to argue, I wondered if they were aware of what happened to them?! Even at death's door, they continue to bite!
An hour later, the aircraft entered a frightening darkness. The crossing took a few minutes and then suddenly the monster has delivered to vibrate as if we were driving along a rocky track! Strangely, the police are the first to panic! Some passengers took the opportunity to mock the laughs. That's where I got really scared. At the same time, the aircraft was losing altitude at a dizzying pace. After a while he recovered and then plunged into darkness. Everyone began to pray, including the police! This time I thought seriously about a crash simulation. Curiously, I was not afraid. At this very moment, the "passengers" have turned to our expert, questioning eyes.
- Do not panic, "he replied calmly, it's just a blip!
An air pocket! Although the answer is meaningless, it seemed to meet everyone. In fact, it has been a substantial moral support. We experienced several times this situation has trivialized by time. By the time we thought was out of danger, the aircraft recurred in his madness air holes dangerously losing altitude. At the sight of our expert scared, too, the passengers panicked and began to cry or pray.
- The Russian aircraft is to rot, "said one! They do not withstand sandstorms. Fortunately, the talented Algerian pilot!
And of course, this kind of speech soothes assistance. And even if we did not hear everything that was said, the stunned look on his face. And the scene lasted, I do not know how long, then the animal has entered a clear area and then it stabilized.
- It's stupid what I'm telling you, Mustafa tells me, but frankly, I thought it was an accident!
- I also added Brahim, they are capable of anything! Has not imprisoned thousands of citizens without trial?
To distract myself and forget my nightmare I joined the lamentations of others. We submit to God while continuing to discuss avoiding mention our future. After an hour of disruption, we finished in the middle of a huge mass of gray clouds. Suddenly, the beast Russian recovered to shake dangerously then, suddenly, she lost in sinking into a frightening shadow. After a long detour, she remade a new dizzying descent who made us think seriously about a crash. After the third test, the aircraft successfully landed, not without suffering some shock at ground contact. After a mad rush, the plane stopped. The ultimate verdict, several prisoners knelt in thanks to God.
At the opening of the gigantic door, we received a flurry of scorching sand announcing a scorching heat. The policemen left us in a hurry, then they are reassembled quickly, with a different face. While getting rid of the handcuffs, the auxiliary system we have worked hard on distributing blows indiscriminately. To escape their wrath, he had to run beyond our forces between two rows of batons. It was almost dark in broad daylight! Hot as hell accompanied by a sandstorm apocalyptic suffocated us. All around two dozen soldiers armed and masked black turbans or military green. Asking them where we were, the response was cold:
- You're in Kabul, answered with a laugh, a military color, focusing particularly serious!
I remember all my life with bitterness of those moments where we were heading us towards the north of the airfield. It was so monstrous that we had to undergo in-flight, seemed insignificant! I had trouble believing my eyes at the sight of this vast rocky plain overlooking the military base ! Instead of palm trees and sand dunes, I saw on the horizon through the clouds of dust, black ravines and hollow spaces, thinking I was in Texas as we saw in the movies! A few hundred yards ahead, a forest of barbed wire and son of the nipples of earth rose up before us. We moved in single file, when my eyes landed on a hallucinatory scene! I'm dreaming; Dozens of bearded men came to meet us, waving their hands! We were watching us in silence when the guide broke his silence:
- You wanted Afghanistan, you're there, "he said ironically!
As in the films through the camera, the picture is becoming clearer as it approaches the target. As far as we proceeded, we discovered our horrible future. Dozens then hundreds of bearded men dressed in light of Spahis left their shelters to greet us, chanting "Allah Akbar! Behind them, dozens of tents appeared hidden behind mounds that were effaced in us approaching. The place was really like at a training camp in Afghanistan! However, I have not lost my temper because I was expecting the worst.
- Where are we, asks an inmate to a stranger?
- A Reggane, answered a young boy beardless.
Before that, we hear of Reggane during the hours of Ramadan during the great heat. Everyone has their idea about this little known region of Algeria by Algerians "Reggane tray the hottest in the world, says one of our intellects." "The Triangle of Death," says another. " "Hell Tuareg" or "still, the fire in Amazigh language! The comments are going well and everyone uses his memories of school. For me, Reggane was synonymous with the atomic bomb and elevated temperature. And as if attending a course of geostrategy, I listened to a bearded explain intellectually, we were on the famous observatory where the French ran the operations of the nuclear explosion of 13 February 1960.
We were just a 13 February. Thus, this date is a symbol! To our comrade, our transfer to this site should not be a coincidence, but rather, part of the Franco-Algerian. He said it was a strong signal of the military junta to creditors? In fact, this election had nothing innocent. We realized that we were guinea pigs. This was also my first thought on hearing the name Reggane. Since then, the hatred grew me. I almost stop loving my country. Anyway, I only reserved the same place more of the past! Algeria was more to this country when I was ready to sacrifice my life with your eyes closed. The refrain assailed me to become crazy in love with war. Suddenly, I rubbed the desire to kill and wanted to get revenge! A desire that I left when I realized I did not have a determined enemy! That day, I began to know the true meaning of the dirty war.
While following the line, I searched for her, soldiers who were with us before. They are gone, after we have given to our brothers. Before we move towards our tents, they have distributed clothes "Afghan" consisting mainly of long shirts, baggy pants and khaki Spahis any leather sandals dating from the colonial era. Mine that I always include the words: 26-06-1956. And while fighting a fever, I have been guided up the tent number 87.
I settled on a camp bed with a heart emptied of worries. I kept it, anyway, just to survive. I remained as a measure of energy to think about myself. I leaned on my lot in trying to find an explanation for what had happened.
I will never forget this crucial moment when I thought switching to the afterlife. Honestly, I thought myself in, and for a long time. Then I felt in my heart, like a break for me drained of any option for life. By weariness or despair, in anger I failed in everything that declining morale had in me, including prayer. I even dared to ask me with a frightening arrogance: What was the use of faith? There, I knew I was not away from the madness! And far from wanting to kill myself, I want death? As a result, I thought God had answered my prayer by allowing me to dive into a deep sleep. So I brushed the wrath of God on 13 February 1992.
Opening her eyes, Said I found my best friend, sitting next to me. This is a person of rare kindness. We-we lost sight since the end of our studies in July 1984. His presence surprised me at the same time, she had generously relieved. To compare me to him, I felt very happy. He had just returned from Libya and the eve of his return, He was kidnapped by a group of masked individuals, after having tied up in front of her children. Then he was locked in a cave, completely naked. After three days of torture by electricity, soap and towel, he was released without any explanation did right. Released, he was awarded the following day by the police chief who did not hesitate to apologize to him. Leaving the police station he was arrested by the police and taken to the internment camp.
- "We drove twenty-four hours says he, in conditions that I would not wish for an enemy and we arrived this morning at dawn. We currently, 2750 prisoners, all from the western half of the country. "
Said did not seem worried, however. I was talking with a smile. He said we were lucky to be arrested. Was he sincere or was he looking to cheer me up? Anyway, it got me back on my feet while I was suffering! In listening, I regained strength and I got up immediately to prayer. By putting the feet apart, I almost collapsing at the sight of the horrific landscape that I should adapt now. The sun fascinated me always, was painful that night. Yet I had never seen as mighty and as close to the earth. I would have taken for a god if I did not know his history with Abraham. By making the background of a row of tents, table deserved meditation. Right and left, I saw hundreds of creatures from their corners and head towards the center where hundreds of worshipers waiting to do the bedtime prayer. My eyes froze at the sight of a long line Wait.
- And these, what they want, "I asked Said?
- They have been there for hours waiting their turns to eat. Can you imagine? A single server to thousands of people! They try to humiliate us. Finally, you will wash, then we will try our luck for a bite!
- where is the toilet, I asked!
- What my brother toilet? You're dreaming! Do as the others and hide somewhere, back there for your needs! Do not forget to bring with you enough to wipe your, there is more water! I see this
horrible humiliating scene where I tried to accept a life that was not mine. Hard, hard to see reality! Dozens of inmates were their needs outdoors. Since I was forced to leave my campaign, I was forced to see people in shameful positions. Fortunately, I still kept my peasant habits. To reach a pit half full and take shelter from view, he took me through a human forest. And place to relieve myself, I had to cut my breath, close your eyes and most importantly, be careful not to slip and end up in the shit literally, as figuratively, I was a long time! Then comes the moment when it was to pray without washing. A practical, reasonably, aberrant, if the fate of its religious context. With the little faith I had left, I tried to follow the crowd continuing to work with ideas!
After the main prayer, the imam has followed up with the disaster became commonplace for some time. He expressed his support for "mujahedin" by granting the faithful to support jihad. The director of the prayer was carried away by emotion and crying, sobbing, succeeding cry to thousands of worshipers, by evoking the atrocities of tyrants, transforming the "mosque" in the wall of lamentation.
enjoy the excitement of the priors, an individual has stood up and embarked on a scorching speech inciting rebellion. After a traditional parody, he attacked the "tyrants" with unusual virulence. He described the mood of the victims of the absolute injustice of the military by saying that if we accepted this situation because we were aware of the foreign threat. He summarized the events after interruption of the electoral process ending with an account of their interview with the military leadership. He concluded:
".. As you have noticed, dear brothers, the camp was ready for a long time. If, however, many things are lacking, such as water, food, toilets and showers, behind this lies the desire to punish us. It is clear that the military trying to humiliate us. Therefore, we must organize ourselves to show them that we can continue the fight. I suggest that each wilaya designate its representative to form a council. "
And he hands over the muezzin, quickly, calls to prayer.
- "Who is he," I asked Said? "
-" I do not know. We talked about it this morning. They say it's an ex-convict to death in the case Bouali. You saw? To avoid the discussion, they have chosen this moment, says Said! Ultimately, FLN or FIS, is the same!
In order to avoid any debate that would lead to conflict, he chose this moment between the two prayers. The faithful were at the end of their emotions and there was not enough time for discussion. Thus it was believed, would avoid the deferential that, my faith, were not negligible! In the audience there were any trends: El-DJAZAR, Essalafia jihadist Essalafia scientific Essalafia short, Ettouroukia and the list is great. Many knew nothing of it. Meanwhile, there were spies and informers. Me, I was ranked with El-DJAZAR. And since I did not know the relation of forces, I preferred to follow the herd and wait!
I could not stand up, my whole body was swarming, which is why I chose made my prayer sitting. This time, the famous Cheick Ezzawi Medea who led the prayer. By listening read the Koran, I reconnected with my old faith and I am relaxed. In contrast, younger followers began to growl at the end of prayer! By taking advantage of their burns, a young inmate stood up and addressed the audience by mimicking Ali Belhadj, even in its most vile quotes. And despite warnings of the wise, he managed to train hundreds of inmates in a walk around the bustling camp. They kept chanting the famous slogans of the FIS in insulting the symbols of the regime, namely, the generals and the new governors.
- "Nezar the tyrant you die, you die! Or "Oh Ali, Abass oh, FIS stand for ever! "
-" The king is dead, long live the king, said Said! Even in the midst of shit, for them, the FIS is standing! I wonder how could I live with these people? "
- Don 't-worry, they will soon get tired!
- You think it's all spontaneous, Said request? Months, I think rather manipulation.
- Possibly, but I do not see where is the point?
Although I am happy for the reply, in my heart, I was worried about the ease with which our ignorant react. It is true I hate indifference and apathy. But I had enough of these reactions rash that make us an easy target. The military also have not been slow to react, like kids, they immediately cut the electricity supply and have strengthened the warning, urging the demonstrators started throwing projectiles. The soldiers panicked and began shooting into the air and away from the fence. Immediately afterwards, the leaders of both parties met and agreed to resume discussions in the morning. And the light is restored, the protesters regrouped in the square reserved for prayer.
Before going to bed, I did not fail to write a few words that I can not translate now. I wrote my wish to be freed one day, not to regain my freedom and see my girls, but for my revenge! I did not know, my faith, I played the game of my critics that I do not know. Then I spent a good part of the night to review the sequence of events since the coup ... janvériste
Laïd CUSTOMS / Woe The Algerian.
http://laid-hizer-net.blogs.nouvelobs.com/ <...
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