Monday, June 26, 2006

Volleyball Spandex - Cameltoe

Install and manage software with Yum

Basic Configuration

Start by updating the package list.
# yum-y install yum-plugin-plugin fastestmirror

practice that seeks the fastest mirror. The option-y can install packages unattended by answering yes to all questions.

Edit / etc / yum.conf and add this
at the end:
cachedir = / var / cache / yum debuglevel =

2 logfile = / var / log / yum.log

pkgpolicy = newest
distroverpkg = centos-release tolerant
= 1
= 1 retries = 20 obsoletes

= 1 gpgcheck = 1 plugins
= 1

# yum-y install yum-plugin-protectbase Plugin that prevents the replacement of vital packages. To activate it, edit / etc / yum.repos.d / CentOS-Base.repo Protect and add = 1 at the end of stanzas [base]
[ addons] and [extras] , like this: [base] name=CentOS-$releasever - Base

Protect = 1

Configure the archive rpmforge
Open a browser at
. Locate, download and install the rpmforge-release-
Then, create a file / etc / yum.repos.d / dries.repo
. Edit this file like this:
[dries] name =

Extra Fedora rpms dries - $ releasever - $ basearch baseurl = / redhat/el4/en/i386/dries/RPMS

Configure the archive KBS
Go and download two files:

http:/ / / kbsingh-CentOS-extras.repo
  • Place these files in / etc / yum.repos . d / .
  • Some useful commands
# yum check-update

Update package list
# yum (-y) install mplayer
Install a package.

can install packages unattended by answering yes to all questions.
# yum update mozilla-firefox
Updating a package. To update multiple packages at the same time, simply list all the names in a row. # yum update Update all packages.
# yum-C search

Search celestia package. Option C-
said Yum to use the cache and avoids unnecessary updates of the database package, painful with a slow connection.

# yum Provides rpmbuild
Find the package that provides the file rpmbuild
# yum-C info celestia
View on a package.
# yum remove celestia
Remove a package.
# yum list installed

Get a list of all installed packages.
# yum (-C) list updates

View packages that have updates available.
# Yum clean packages

Clear all packages from the cache.
# yum clean headers

Force downloading headers packages.
# yum clean oldheaders

Remove old headers that the system no longer needs.
# yum clean all

Removes packages from the cache and old headers, while keeping the headers update.
It is advisable to refresh the local cache packages and headers periodically to avoid strange errors and to make sure that facilities and updated using the update packages.


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